Thursday 23 May 2024

Sepia Saturday 725 : 25 May 2024


It's time to sit down, relax and enjoy a pleasant drink before dinner. The May Sepia Saturday theme seemed to be various forms of transport and this week's theme image must have crept in because I decided it had been taken on a 1960s cruise ship. It is all very sophisticated and fashionable - very fitting for Sepia Saturday and its participants. So, pull up a chair, ask the waiter for a drink, and join in the fun by posting your post on or around Saturday 25th May 2024 and adding a link to the list below. Now that you are sipping your G&T, take a look at the menu for what is being served in June here on Sepia Saturday.


La Nightingail said...

There's always a time for drinks - cool, hot, bubbly, creamy, sweet, tart, weak, strong. They're all good! :)

Barbara Rogers said...

Some people and places with various drinks to enjoy.

Molly's Canopy said...

I'm going with a "joining the party" interpretation with a post about my arrival in my family.

ScotSue said...

No drinks or cruise images in my collection - so instead I look at my very loose connections with the sea, for this final post on the "On the Move" theme.

Mike Brubaker said...

How about music for drinking? I can match that.