Friday 27 January 2023
Sepia Saturday 657 : 28 January 2023
Thursday 19 January 2023
Sepia Saturday 656 : 21 January 2023
You can't stop me once I get a theme going, so welcome to my transport theme. For the next few weeks, Sepia Saturday is being taken over by modes of transport and this week we are on the train. As always, you can get on the train and reflect it in your chosen old photograph, or you can nonchalantly watch it pass you by and post whatever old photograph you choose to. Whatever your choice, don't miss the train and post it on or around Saturday 21st January 2023 and add a link to the list below. Tickets please!
Whilst you are waiting for the train to come into the station, take a look at what lies ahead on Sepia Saturday.
Friday 13 January 2023
Sepia Saturday 655 : Saturday 14 January 2023
This week on Sepia Saturday we have an open theme, you can post whatever old photo you like. Just post the post and link the link on or around Saturday 14th January 2023.
We are back to normal themes for the next few weeks, and we seem to have a fixation with modes of transport. make of the themes what you will!
Friday 6 January 2023
Sepia Saturday 654 : Saturday 7 January 2023
Sorry about last week - I got dragged into the celebrations of Christmas a little too much and the house was full of visitors and grandchildren and my Sepia duties got pushed out of the way. We are back this week with a Sepia theme that reminds us that those olden days could often be cruel. Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums have a collection of photographs of young criminals - children in many cases, sent to prison for stealing the most basic of things. There is a beauty in some of these old photographs which is only matched by the sadness of the circumstances that brought them into being. As usual, you can follow the theme, or ignore it - all you have to do is to share an old photograph on or around Saturday 7th January 2023, and add a link to the list below.