Tuesday 28 May 2024

Sepia Saturday 726 : 1st June 2024

June is a busy month here on Sepia Saturday. First of all there are five Saturdays in June which means more work for the Sepia Saturday theme image selector, and secondly, crowded streets and events are the monthly theme in question. This week we are with the crowds at a boxing match in Sydney, Australia. All you need to do is to choose your knock-out old image for this week and post it on or around Saturday 1st June 2024 and add a link to the list below. And whilst you are waiting for the fight to begin, take a look at what is coming in the rounds ahead.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Sepia Saturday 725 : 25 May 2024


It's time to sit down, relax and enjoy a pleasant drink before dinner. The May Sepia Saturday theme seemed to be various forms of transport and this week's theme image must have crept in because I decided it had been taken on a 1960s cruise ship. It is all very sophisticated and fashionable - very fitting for Sepia Saturday and its participants. So, pull up a chair, ask the waiter for a drink, and join in the fun by posting your post on or around Saturday 25th May 2024 and adding a link to the list below. Now that you are sipping your G&T, take a look at the menu for what is being served in June here on Sepia Saturday.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Sepia Saturday 724 : 18 May 2024


We continue our travels during May and this week we are going by car. Old car or new car, big car or small car - it matters not. Just choose whichever vehicle you want that is featured in an old photograph,  feature it in a post on or around Saturday 18th May 2024 and then add a link to the list below. Next week we say goodbye to May with drinks before dinner and then we move on to June which promises to be a very busy time. Here is a hint of what is ahead.

Thursday 9 May 2024

Sepia Saturday 723 : Saturday 11 May 2024


We are still out and about in May here on Sepia Saturday and this week we are out and about on our bicycles. There was nothing our Edwardian ancestors like doing quite so much as jumping on their bikes and peddling off in search of adventure - other than perhaps having their photographs taken whilst doing so. So this is your opportunity to share old photographs which may, in some strange and convoluted way, be linked to our monthly theme or our weekly prompt. Just jump on your bikes and post your posts on or around Saturday 11th May and add a link to the list below.  And whilst you are free-wheeling down hill, take a look at what lies around the Sepia corner.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Sepia Saturday 722 : Saturday 4th May 2024


It takes you back. Sat on a coach - not one of these new luxury air-conditioned jobs, but a real coach with horsehair padded seats - bumping down a country road and then stopping for some refreshments. Not a cup of chain-shop coffee, but a proper picnic with sandwiches and flies and scurrying ants. Yes, it's May and we are on the move - on our Sepia Saturday travels. Look through you old photos and if you have anything to match share it on or around Saturday 4th May 2024. If you don't have anything to match, worry not - share it anyway by adding a link to the list below. And when you've finished your coffee, get ready to be on the move again throughout May on Sepia Saturday.