I must ask for your Understanding. I Underestimated the amount of time left before I needed to put Up the Sepia Saturday prompt image. Under the circumstances, I will Undertake to be on time in future - Unless, of course, I forget again. Oh, and by the way, we have reached the letter U in our tour through the archives. U know the routine by now - post your post on or around Saturday 28th August and add a link to the list below. Here is the rest of the alphabet:-
Friday 27 August 2021
Thursday 19 August 2021
Sepia Saturday 584 : 21 August 2021
Our Sepia Saturday archive tour has reached the letter T, and where better to stop for tea that with the President of Turkey who has agreed to show us around his archives. With the continuing travel restrictions due to the COVID pandemic, we are, of course, having to do this virtually, and with the help of the Flickr Commons initiative. For our theme image we have chosen a 1930s photograph of a movie screening in the Turkish village of Ballikpinar. This illustrates the power of images - both still images and moving images - to transcend history. In choosing your submission you can transcend history, have a cup of tea, watch a movie, or do almost anything you want to. Just post a post on or around Saturday 21 August 2021 and add a link to the list below. The alphabet is running out, here are the final group of archives stops:-
Thursday 12 August 2021
Sepia Saturday 583 : 14 August 2021
Busy street, busy times, people out on the streets, mixing together : well, we can dream can't we! This week our Sepia Saturday Archive A-Z has reached the letter S and we are calling in on the archives of the Salt Research Institute. You can take from the prompt what you will - there are enough potential themes there to keep everyone busy. All you need to do is to choose you theme, choose your photo, post your post, and add a link to the list below on or around Saturday 14th August. And look who has been busy - here are the rest of the prompts in this Sepia Saturday sequence. After we get to the letter Z what happens - wait and see ... it's time for some changes.