Wednesday 25 April 2018

Sepia Saturday 416 : 28 April 2018

Sepia Saturday 416 : 28 April 2018
Helsinki residents waiting for evacuation at the railway station. (1939)

At the moment I am packing my bags ready for departure. Unlike these poor people, I am not heading off to danger and the unknown, simply to the Spanish sun for a week. Without planning them that way, the themes for the next two weekends seem appropriate to me: but your challenge is to tell us how the theme image for Sepia Saturday 416 is appropriate to you. Do so by posting a post featuring an old image from your collection on or around Saturday 28th April 2018 and adding a link to the list below.

I will post the call for next week before I go, but here is a preview for the next couple of weeks.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Sepia Saturday 415 : 21 April 2018

Sepia Saturday 415 : 21 April 2018
Enginists of the Finnish State Railways playing chess on call duty. (1951)

Now here is an opening gambit: get out your old photos of chess games or canteens or workmen or wooden tables or .... well whatever you want. If you can match our theme image, then you will gain a powerful advantage in the game. Whatever you decide to do, make your move on or around Saturday 21st April 2018 and add a link to the list below.

Whilst your opponent is thinking of his next move, take a look at what lies ahead in this Sepia game of ours.

Saturday 14 April 2018

Sepia Saturday Theme Images - May 2018

Our Sepia Saturday theme images for May 2018 all come from the Flickr Commons collection of the California Historical Society

Sepia Saturday 417 : Saturday 5th May 2018
Man, Woman And Children Wading In Water

Sepia Saturday 418 : Saturday 12 May 2018
The Longest Lunch Counter In The World - F W Woolworth, Los Angeles

Sepia Saturday 419 : Saturday 19 May 2018
Group Of Men Sitting On Overhanging Rock, Yosemite

Sepia Saturday 420 : Saturday 26 May 2018
Scenic Railway And Bathing Beach, Venice, California

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Sepia Saturday 414 : 14 April 2018

Sepia Saturday 414 : 14 April 2018
A boy pushes a wheelbarrow full of dried fish. (1930s)

Everyone has a photograph of a wheelbarrow of dried fish somewhere in their collection, so this week's Sepia Saturday theme challenge will be an easy one. The difficulty you will probably have is just deciding which of your many photographic studies of dried fish to share with your fellow Sepians. Whatever the outcome, share your image on or around Saturday 14th April 2018 and add a link to the list below.

Whilst you are waiting for your fish to dry, take a look at what lies ahead for the rest of April. The May theme images will be posted within the next few days.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Sepia Saturday 413 : 7 April 2018

Sepia Saturday 413 : 7 April 2018
Songwriter Toivo Kärki and singer-songwriter-actor-screenwriter Reino Helismaa working with a grand piano. (1957)

What better way to celebrate another Sepia Saturday than to gather around the grand piano and have a good sing-song. There is music, there are actors, there is a piano .... there is almost whatever you want to see in this 1957 image from the Finnish Museum of Photography. Do what you will with it - simply do it on or around Saturday 7th April 2018 and add a link to the list below.

And whilst you are waiting for the long piano introduction, have a look at what is just around the corner.