Tuesday 31 January 2017

Sepia Saturday 353 : 4th February 2017

Above is the Sepia Saturday theme image for Saturday 4th February 2017. Feel free to interpret it in whichever way you want to in order to share an old image. Once you have posted your post, add a link to the Linky List below. Here is a quick preview of the next two theme images:-

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Sepia Saturday 352 : 28th January 2017

Above is the Sepia Saturday theme image for Saturday 28th January 2017. Feel free to interpret it in whichever way you want to in order to share an old image. Once you have posted your post, add a link to the Linky List below. Here is a quick preview of the next two theme images:-

Tuesday 17 January 2017

SEPIA SATURDAY 351 : 21 January 2017

Marilyn has set us an interesting challenge this week by giving us as our theme image two pictures of the same woman at different stages of her life. The photographs are of the Danish artist Bertha Wegmann and both photographs are featured on the Flickr Commons stream of the Royal Library of Denmark (PHOTO 1 / PHOTO 2). According to the Flickr description, Wegmann lived from 1833-1891, but this can't be the case as the photographs clearly don't fit into such a timeframe. Double checking her Wikipedia biography, it appears she lived from 1846-1926. 

As usual all you need to do is to interpret the theme in any way you want to and post your post on or around Saturday 21st January 2017 and add a link to the list below. Here is our usual preview of what is awaiting us over the next couple of weeks.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

SEPIA SATURDAY 350 : 14 January 2017

Musee McCord Museum : Alexander Ramsay's Paint Store, Recollet Street, Montreal, QC, 1868
There was a time when the achievement of a significant anniversary (yes, this is Sepia Saturday 350!) would be marked by the publication of a book or at least the creation of a commemorative mug; but Sepia Saturday is now such an established part of life, we treat such things with alacrity. You can, however, mark SS350 by puzzling out this week's prompt which has been provided by Marilyn. She has kindly provided us with a few words of explanation:

Using a technique beloved of Mr Mike, we focus in on one small part of the big picture. We’ve done something similar before and it really makes you think and look at the details You can choose any detail you like not just the one selected, or replicate the idea with one of your own photographs.

I will say no more ..... other than post your posts on or around Saturday 14th January 2017 and add a link to the list below.

Before you do that, take a look at what is around the Sepia corner. Here are our prompts for the next two weeks.

That's it. Jump to it! Get posting your sepia posts.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

SEPIA SATURDAY 349 (Saturday 7th January 2017)


Above is the Sepia Saturday theme image for Saturday 7th January 2017. Feel free to interpret it in whichever way you want to in order to share an old image. Once you have posted your post, add a link to the Linky List below. Here is a quick preview of the next two theme images:-