Thursday 29 October 2020

Sepia Saturday 544 : Saturday 31 October 2020

We have reached L in our Sepia Alphabet Ride. Amongst other things, L is for lighthouse, so if you have any old photographs of lighthouses in your collection, now is the time to shine a light on them. If you can't see the light, you could always try leather, lamp-posts, locomotives, long faces, lungfish or labradors. Or you can always ignore these silly prompts, an post any old photo to Sepia Saturday. Just post your posts on or around Saturday 31 October 2020 and add a link to the list below.

And what comes after L - well M and N, of course. See what the future of the alphabet holds for Sepians.

Monday 19 October 2020

Sepia Saturday 543 : 24 October 2020


In our sepia tour through the alphabet, we have reached letter K, and K is for kiss. So look though your old photographs and search for the kisses, the embraces, the snogs, and the smouldering passion. If you can't find any, there is always kettles, kangaroos, knitting and kettledrums. Or this being Sepia Saturday which is famous for its lack of rules, you can post any old photograph you want. Just feature it in a post, post your post on or around Saturday 24th October 2020, and add a link to the list below.

Whilst you are catching your breath between passionate pecks, you might want to look at what is in store in Sepia Saturday, and guess what - K is followed by L and M!

Thursday 15 October 2020

Sepia Saturday 542 : 17 October 2020


Here at Sepia Saturday we are all jumping for joy, because we have got around to the letter J in our alphabetical theme journey.  So search through your photographic archives for something (anything) that fits (or seems to fit) the theme (or, because we don't like rules, any theme). Once you have an old photograph, post it on your blog on or around Saturday 17th October 2020 and add a link to the list below.

Whilst you are thinking about what to post this week, you might want to look at what is just around the jolly corner:-

Wednesday 7 October 2020

Sepia Saturday 541 : Saturday 10 October 2020

One of the few things that has got me through the difficult last seven or eight months, it has to be confessed, is ice-cream. In a world where meeting friends, going out for a meal and a drink, visiting a theatre or concert hall, have all become distant memories, you can never under-estimate the positive effect of an ice-cream cornet. This week our Sepia Saturday theme image celebrates ice-cream, so get ready to search out those old images which will melt your hearts. If you have no ice-cream flavoured images, you could go with any subject starting with this week's letter which is I. Or you can abandon themes all together, and just share any old image you care to share. Just post your post on or around Saturday 10 October 2020, and add a link to the list below.

Whilst you are forming a socially distanced queue by the ice-cream van, take a look at what awaits you over the next couple of weeks.