Wednesday 20 December 2023

Sepia Saturday 704 : Christmas and New Year 2023/24


It's time to gather around the Christmas tree and celebrate here on Sepia Saturday. The last of our "Life Indoors" prompts features three people posing in front of a Christmas tree. For this festive share your old photos with other Sepia Saturday followers by posting a post and linking it to the list below at any time between now and twelfth night.

We will be back in 2024 and our foist monthly set of themes will celebrate "the Sound Of Music". 

Thursday 14 December 2023

Sepia Saturday 703 : 16th December 2023


We are living indoors in a very posh house this week on Sepia Saturday, but don't believe everything you see - especially when you are at the cinema. Our prompt this week is a still from the 1913 film "Flaming Heart". As always, you can do with it what you want - just do it on or around Saturday 16th December 2023 and add a link to the list below.

And remember, there is just one posting day before Christmas - here is the last prompt of 2023. See you all in 2024

Thursday 7 December 2023

Sepia Saturday 702 : 9th December 2023

 Life indoors continues with a sit down around the table. We must all have photographs in our collections of people sat around the table - eating, talking, drinking or whatever. Share them on Sepia Saturday by including them in a post which you should post on or around Saturday 9th December 2023 and adding a link to the list below. And whilst you are sat down, take a look at what is to come:-

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Sepia Saturday 701 : 2nd December 2023

It's December and it's cold and dark (my apologies to readers in the Southern Hemisphere where it will probably be warm and light) and therefore it is time to be heading indoors. Our Sepia Saturday theme for December is "indoors", and our first week theme image is such an archetypical indoor scene - a parent and child reading together. If you are of a certain age you will recognise the scene, recognise the clothes, and recognise the furniture - they all proclaim life indoors. So come on in and join in with Sepia Saturday. Just post your post on or around Saturday 2nd December 2023 and add a link to the list below. And whilst you are sat down in the warmth, take a look at what else will be happening during Sepia December:-

Thursday 23 November 2023

Sepia Saturday 700 : 25 November 2023


It's the last of our November Sepia Saturday prompts - the last time we will be walking about. Our interpretation of the monthly theme this week features a group of unemployed workers walking from Jarrow in the North-East of England to London in 1936. You can reflect the theme in any way you want, just post your post on or around Saturday 25th November 2023 and add a link to the list below. And once I have stopped walking about, I will let you have the weekly themes for December. Our general theme for that month is "Indoors".

Monday 13 November 2023

Sepia Saturday 699 : Saturday 18th November 2023

Now we are out walking about and enjoying ourselves, let's cross over. And there is no safer way to do it than to find a policeman to stop the traffic and help you safely to the other side. You can get to the other side of this week's Sepia Saturday challenge by sharing an old photograph - it can be on the theme of walking about or it can be about anything you want). Just do it on or around Saturday 18th November 2023 and add a link to the list below. And take a look at what is coming around the corner, next on Sepia Saturday.

Monday 6 November 2023

Sepia Saturday 698 : Saturday 11 November 2023


For our second week of walking about on Sepia Saturday, our theme image looks at people walking on the street - more specifically on Westmorland Street, Dublin in 1902. Many of you will have similar "walking snaps" in your collection and this week you have an opportunity to get them out and share them with other enthusiasts. Or, there again, you can simply share any old photograph you would like to share. Whatever you choose, post your posts on or around Saturday 11th November 2023 and add a link to the list below. And pause for a moment to look in a shop window - or look at what Sepia Saturday has to offer for the rest of the month.

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Sepia Saturday 697 : Saturday 4th November 2023


It's Walking About month here on Sepia Saturday where we are offering you the opportunity to showcase your old photographs that somehow may intersect with the theme of walking about. As always, you can interpret the theme as creatively as you like, or ignore it altogether. Our theme image for the first week in November features a 1930s photograph of someone walking a cat! Stranger things have happened - and invariably do here on Sepia Saturday. Just post your posts on or around Saturday 4th November 2023 and add a link to the list below. Whilst you are walking about, you might want to cast a glance at our next few theme images.

Thursday 26 October 2023

Sepia Saturday 696 : 28th October 2023


Our last prompt in Portrait Month sees a classic studio shot of a sultry model smoking a cigarette.  The photograph dates from the 1960s when I was doing a photography course at the local college. I seem to recall that it was an exercise in both studio lighting and depth of field. Your contributions to the final portrait prompt don't need to be dramatically lit, nor pin-sharp in places: indeed, this being Sepia Saturday, they don't even need to be portraits. Just an old photo and a few new words. Post your posts on or around Saturday 28th October 2023 and add a link to the list below.

After Portrait Month we go out and about - walking on the street. Here are our prompt images for November, so you have chance to think about your submissions in advance.

Thursday 19 October 2023

Sepia Saturday 695 : Saturday 21 October 2023


I had to submit a passport photograph the other day, so out came the smartphone and I quickly composed a head and shoulders selfie, downloaded it in a jpeg file and the job was done. Head and shoulders portraits have been the staple for photographic portraits for the last 180 years - the technology might change, but the head and shoulders remain the same. So for Sepia Saturday 695 - post your post on or around Saturday 21st October 2023 - we are asking for your head and shoulder portraits, or any portraits, or any old photo you care to share. Just add a link to the list below. Next week will be the last of our portrait themes - get ready for Walking About in November. The month's themes will be up soon.

Friday 13 October 2023

Sepia Saturday 694 : Saturday 14 October 2023

Portrait month on Sepia Saturday continues with this double family portrait featuring two unknown members of the Burnett family. Like so many old photographs, it is full of clues to who knows what (what, for example, is the significance of the date 1851 - could the photograph been taken on a fiftieth or sixtieth birthday?). So your possible prompts this week include double portraits, dates on photographs, clues .... or anything you want. Just post your post on or around Saturday 14 October 2023 and add a link to the list below. And take a look at the other October prompts:-

Thursday 5 October 2023

Sepia Saturday 7th October 2023


It's portrait month here on Sepia Saturday and we kick off with a portrait that is probably the best part of 150 years old. You don't have to match it with an equally old portrait, of course, indeed you don't even need a portrait. All you need is an old photo (and the definition of "old" is up to you) along with a few new thoughts. Then post your post on or around Saturday 7th October 2023 and add a link to the list below.

And whilst you are sitting around waiting for the artist to finish, take a look at what else is in store during portrait month.

Thursday 28 September 2023

Sepia Saturday 692 : Saturday 30 September 2023


The last of our "On The Streets" prompts and were better to finish than on the dark, rain-swept streets of Halifax 55 years ago. Of course you can go to any dark rain-swept streets you like, or any bright sunny streets, or any streets, or no streets. Simply post an old photo and add a few new comments on or around Saturday 30 September 2023 and add a link to the list below.

And then get yourself off the street and start looking for some October portraits. Here is a preview of the prompts:-

Thursday 21 September 2023

Sepia Saturday 691 : 23 September 2023


We are still on the street here at Sepia Saturday and this week we have a rather fine petrol station (gas station) to prompt your photographic memories. You don't have to follow the specific theme elements you may find in this photographs, you don't even have to follow the monthly theme (On The Street), you can go where you want on Sepia Saturday. Just post a post on or around Saturday 23rd September 2023 and add a link to the list below. Next week will be the final of our On The Street themes and I am delighted to reveal the general themes for the final quarter of the year. The specific theme images for October will be posted shortly.

Friday 15 September 2023

Sepia Saturday 690 : 16 September 2023


We're still on the street, but now we have hanging washing and kids reading newspapers. Both probably tell of times long gone and they provide us with an opportunity to share photographs from times long gone. Just post your post on or around Saturday 16th September 2023 and add a link to the list below. And once you have done that, take a look at the remaining September theme images. And once you've done that - bring the washing in.

Friday 8 September 2023

Sepia Saturday 689 : Saturday 9th September 2023


Walk down the street, any street in any town. Street photography is a very popular subject these days, but there is nothing new about street photography. People have been walking down that street in that town for decades, taking photographs of what they found there. This month on Sepia Saturday it is your opportunity to share your old street photographs, photographs from any street in any town. Just share them on or around Saturday 9th September 2023 and add a link to the list below. And whilst you are waiting to cross the road, take a look at what is coming down Sepia Street.