Friday 28 June 2024

Sepia Saturday : Saturday 29 June 2024


The last of our Busy Times theme and I am so busy I nearly forget to put the prompt up! I therefore rush to my open top tourer car, and dash off to the Coronado Country Club in San Diago and get there just in time to invite you to post your weekly posts on or around Saturday 29th June 2024 and add a link to the list below. We're off on the water next month so hopefully that will be more relaxing.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Sepia Saturday 729 : Saturday 22 June 2024


Busy times continue on Sepia Saturday in June and this week we are busy on the sands. Here at Sepia HQ the sun has just come out for the first time in what feels like six months, so I am tempted to head for the seaside. Before I go off to find my bucket and spade there is just time enough to invite you to take part in Sepia Saturday 729 by posting your old photos on or around Saturday 22 June 2024 and adding a link to the list below. Once you've done that you can settle down in your deck chair and take a look at what lies ahead here on Sepia Saturday.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Sepia Saturday 728 : 15 June 2024


The nearest we seem to get to a busy market day these days is when there is too much on-line traffic when you are trying to get on the Amazon site. Once upon a time, streets were full of stalls, carts, shoppers - and the occasional horse: those were busy times. Our Busy Times monthly theme continues with this image of a market day in Ireland. You can join in by posting an old image - on theme, off theme or whatever - on or around Saturday 15th June 2024 and adding a link to the list below. Whilst you are browsing the stalls, take a look at what is still to come in these busy times.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Sepia Saturday 727 : 8th June 2024

It's a busy time this month on Sepia Saturday and this week we are busy getting votes for women. This week we pay tribute to those brave campaigners who took to the streets in favour of equal democratic rights for women - the Suffragette Movement. If you are in search for a theme you can choose pioneering women, demonstrations, marching feet - or any interpretation of the weekly or monthly theme you care to have. Just post your post on or around Saturday 8th June 2024 and add a link to the list below.  And then, without loosing step with your sisters and brothers, take a look at what is next on Sepia Saturday.