Thursday 19 January 2023

Sepia Saturday 656 : 21 January 2023


You can't stop me once I get a theme going, so welcome to my transport theme. For the next few weeks, Sepia Saturday is being taken over by modes of transport and this week we are on the train. As always, you can get on the train and reflect it in your chosen old photograph, or you can nonchalantly watch it pass you by and post whatever old photograph you choose to. Whatever your choice, don't miss the train and post it on or around Saturday 21st January 2023 and add a link to the list below. Tickets please!

Whilst you are waiting for the train to come into the station, take a look at what lies ahead on Sepia Saturday.


La Nightingail said...

I will also be following a theme for the next few weeks. Watch for it. :)

ScotSue said...

Let the train take the strain - with a piece of local history and some fond family memories.

Kristin said...

Some journal pieces from a trip home from Seattle in 2001

Barbara Rogers said...

Some interesting history of my town, and a link to an older post about trains. Not all sepia.

Monica T. said...

Old photos of the railway station and post office in the village where my grandparents lived - and some more recent ones from the 150th jubilee of that railway (2013).

Mike Brubaker said...

At first I thought this would be a difficult theme to match, but I actually have a postcard that fits and links to a story about postcards of a small town band.