Wednesday 12 September 2018

Sepia Saturday 436 : 15th September 2018

Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week is - like all the ones this month - from my own collection. It features that grand old north country game - crown green bowling; in which wooden balls (or bowls) are rolled across a grass lawn (or green) in an attempt to get nearest the target ball (or jack).  If that wasn't complicated enough, the bowls have an additional weight on one side so they don't run in a straight line, and the green has a slight hump in the middle (a crown) so even if the bowls could travel in a straight line it wouldn't do them much good! So if you thought that Sepia Saturday was difficult - just have a go at crown green bowling.

As always, you can interpret the theme image in any way you want - games, balls, men stood around doing nothing, all spring to mind - or you can ignore the theme all together and surprise us with an old photograph of your own choice. All you have to do is to post a post on or around Saturday 15th September and add a link to the list below.

Here are the next couple of theme images so that - if you are so inclined - you can plan your posts in advance.


La Nightingail said...

A contest!

Molly's Canopy said...

Getting an early start this week. My post discusses a different type of fraternal club -- the Grand Army of the Republic -- and how a GAR member stepped up in 1890 to help my gg grandmother Mary Bull with settlement of her late husband's estate.

Barbara Rogers said...

I went with a more familiar game, croquet!

tony said...

Way Off Theme, but at least I'm in!

Mike Brubaker said...

I'm sort of on theme this weekend. Men in hats standing around doing almost nothing. Musical of course.

Alex Daw said...

Not on theme I'm afraid - well, maybe a man standing at an intersection.