It is time to get out your knapsack, pull on your long woolly socks, dig out your sensible shoes, staple a smile to your face, and head for the open road. This week on Sepia Saturday we are off hiking and whether you know where you are going or, like those in this archive photo entitled "Palmer's Mystery Hike No. 2", the destination is not as important as the journey, there is fun to be had. As for those who are in search of a theme, there are walkers, roads, hats, short trousers, and the alarming phenomenon of a woman with three legs. In the great traditions of Sepia Saturday, it doesn't matter what theme you follow, it is the day out which is the enjoyable thing. So plan your days out on or around Saturday 13th April 2013 and add a link to the list below.
For all those people who like to plan ahead, here is a note of the next two Sepia Saturday theme images:
173 : Now this particular photograph is just plain odd. What on earth is going on here I can't begin to imagine. But we all have odd old photographs in our collections and here is your chance to feature them.
174 : There are a number of easy theme possibilities here - newspapers, people sitting down - but those Sepians who like a challenge might like to get behind the headlines.

I'm surprised to be first off the mark this week, as I fit this in along with the A-Z challenge postings. Here it is all about Enjoying Life.
Getting in early as Alan's left me in charge whilst he hikes off to Spain!
This one is all about me this time! I'm a walker.
OMG, I have never been this early! I feel like I have won a prize!
Threw in a repeat to go with the theme, but its back from 2011
In good time....
I have another village from the Century of Progress. The focus is on people walking around it.
Borrowed my son's pics from his hikes...they are beautiful!
No time this weekend to produce a new post unfortunately, so am recycling one of my older ones which vaguely links to the theme of walking in one's Sunday Best.
Walkies for me too.
Guess, my focus for this week is people going somewhere in the same direction.
Walking on familiar ground.
Immediately this weeks photo reminded me of a group of family and friends who were wearing coats.
I'm off-topic this weekend in order to post a followup to a World War One story from last year.
I do have roller-skates!
Not sure if my comment went through! I'm excited to see all of the posts, I really like this photo and the story behind it. Great theme Alan!
Some happy hikers for sepia of course!
I,m In But Where's Mr Linky?
Ah He's Back!:)
Not sure why they are walking, but here they are.
Is that photo a walk or a run? I've been on a run lately.
Hiking and more hiking....
Anonymous walking photos this week.
missed everyone so had to jump back in.
We're off for a walk this week. And now I'm off to read everyone else's blogs.
A little different.
Just a quickie.
Scotland this week ;o)
I couldn't get my post together in time so I'll just try to visit everyone. :-)
Couldn't find a proper hiking photo, but I went with "destination unknown".
Well, this proved challenging, not visually speaking as I already had pictures for this week, and the two following weeks... but in the redaction of this post. I guess I found too much information and needed to condense it all, but I felt unfocused!! Too much going on possibly and always pressed for time. I hope you enjoy this nonetheless. Typical Montreal, for you all to visit!!
A photo of a march in my Cleage box of photographs sent me on an all day search for information.
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