Monday, 15 April 2013

Sepia Saturday 173 : 20 April 2013

Just back from my week away and I am feeling a little odd. It has nothing to do with the food (which was quite splendid) nor the drink (which was pleasantly plentiful), I just feel like something a little odd. Take this photograph entitled "Boy with Birds, Goshen, Oregon" (from the Oregon State University Collection on Flickr Commons) - you have to admit that it is a bit odd. But we all have odd photographs in our collections and this week is there special week. Just find an odd photograph, put together an odd post, and post it on or about Saturday 20 April 2013. Then just add your link to the list below and join together with all the other odd Sepians from throughout the world.

But before we all go in search of the odd this and that, let us take our usual look ahead and the next two Sepia Saturdays. Here is a quick preview :

174 : There are a number of easy theme possibilities here - newspapers, people sitting down - but those Sepians who like a challenge might like to get behind the headlines.

175 :  I know we frown upon smoking now, but earlier generations were frequently photographed with a cigarette in their hands or mouths. If you have no smoking ancestors, there is always vending machines, golden flakes and black cats.

But back to the odd now. What strange images are hidden away in the dark corners of your shoebox of photographs. Time to expose them to the light of day. The Day Of The Odd is upon us.


Sharon said...

I knew exactly which photos that I wanted to show this week but am very early week as I will be away all weekend.

North County Film Club said...

I'm early this week also. Hope you enjoy reading recipes.

Barbara Rogers said...

I'm an early bird too, but had trouble finding any odd photos...but why are these insects doing this?

Kristin said...

I'm early too. first time in a long time. Daughter and Grandfather holding live chickens.

Nigel Aspdin (Derby, UK) said...

I think these turkeys have hanged long enough now.

Brett Payne said...

I suspect there will be a few animals in ungainly poses this week.

Howard said...

Horse versus car from me this week. Not hard to guess who wins.

tony said...


Sean Bentley said...

While I have a few paradoxical photos, I find I have none of a pairoducks. I do however have some shots of swans, which nearly left me with a bloody stump.

Kathy said...

A few family photos.... I hope you don't see much of a family resemblance!

Mike Brubaker said...

No chickens but something odd (and musical) from me this weekend.

DougVernX said...

Are those turkeys? Well my post has nothing to do with that. It's more about something that has hit home closely lately.

Anonymous said...

Two women doing odd things in my photos. A stream, graduation hats, a donkey and a baby all feature. It's a WTH? post for me!

Alan Burnett said...

If you want odd, then meet my brother.

Éire Historian said...

The wonderful inspiration image sent me in a totally different direction, so my title for this week is "Just plain odd inspiration brings me to 'legs'."


dakotaboo said...

Not many young men holding dead birds in my collection, but I do have an oddity to share ... and I'm hoping one of my fellow Sepians can help explain it.

21 Wits said...

Oddly enough here I am on Saturday- wait that's not odd- but my post is kind of odd! Enjoy your weekend Alan and friends!

LLM Calling said...

this inspired a funny ditty from me ))

Unknown said...

Glad you had a great time on your holiday. My photo is of a slippery and muddy mess and into about a British Co. Late as usual.

anyjazz said...

My favorite category! What is going on here?

Teresa Wilson Rogers said...

Happy Sunday, Sepians!

Unknown said...

My photo explains a lot!

Cassmob (Pauleen) said...

I nearly missed this one and I had some ideal photos...better late than never I hope!