Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Sepia Saturday 114 : 25 February 2012 - SHOES

First of all, my apologies for last week. I did have a post planned but events conspired to interfere with the best laid plans of mice and film stars. But this week I will be back and I am already looking through my collection of old photographs to find one which will fit in with our theme for Sepia Saturday 114, which is SHOES. My thanks to TERESA WILSON ROGERS from Forgotten Faces And Long Ago Places and to all those others who suggested shoes as a suitable theme for Sepia Saturday. So get your old photos out, try them on for size and bring along a one or a pair to Sepia Saturday 114 on or around Saturday 25th February 2012. Post your posts, link to the list and take a stroll around as many other contributors as possible.

I need to once again draw attention to two on-going problems. The first is the difficulty WordPress users are having when it comes to commenting on Blogger Blogs. This seems to be a widespread problem and all I can suggest is that we remain patient and understanding until a solution emerges. If anyone has any suggestions to help resolve the issue please feel free to contribute them. The second problem is the new Blogger word verification system which seems intent on making you write a surrealistic essay in order to add a comment to a blog. I have attempted to turn comment moderation off for the Sepia Saturday Blog but it doesn't seem to have made much difference. Personally I would much prefer the anonymous gent who wants to advise me of the availability of various pills and potions to the Sudoku-like challenges Blogger seems to come up with, but no doubt, given time, that problem will be resolved as well.

So, in the words of the old World War II poster, Keep Calm and Carry On. Get your best shoes out, shine them up and bring them along to Sepia Saturday.


Nancy said...

Can the wordpress people leave anonymous comments on blogger posts and just sign their names and blog titles or include the url to their blogs? Surely blogger doesn't cause problems for Anonymous?

Kristin said...

sometimes I use the name/url option too. I haven't been having any trouble lately. Those capchas are getting pretty bizarre though.

Wendy said...

I'll be out of the country, but I've scheduled my post for Friday. So don't look yet!

Postcardy said...

I just turned of word verification. I hope more people do the same.

Postcardy said...

I meant turned "off."

Christine H. said...

I turned off word verification many months ago and have had no problems.

Alan Burnett said...

This is just a test comment (so ignore it) to see if there is word verification on this blog.

Alan Burnett said...

For me there isn't. Are others being asked for word verification before they leave a comment on this (Sepia Saturday) Blog?

Wendy said...

yes -- still verifying

Nancy said...

If you turn off word verification, spammers may inundate your post with comments. Blogger will catch them and send them to your spam box but they will all go to the mailboxes of everyone who has subscribed to comments. (I know this from personal experience.)

There is still word verification as I type this comment. Why have them made them so difficult to read? They look more garbled than ever!

Bruno Laliberté said...

I guess Google means well...

My good news is though:
I'll be a themer this week!!
It's all done and will appear on Saturday. I'll keep mulling over it, in case I can add some stuff, but it looks pretty full already.

let's do that word verification thingy...

"entslym what"

What, indeed...

Postcardy said...

You don't get word verification on your own blog, but others get it.

Tattered and Lost said...

I have missed participating. So in hopes of once again sharing, I leave a new post and plans to make the rounds.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi! I just posted and am off topic again, but hope you guys will still like my post.

Those new word verifications give me a headache! I turned mine off last April during the A-Z Challenge and have had no problems. Spam still goes to spam and I just manually approve the comment before posting.

I am having a hard time figuring out where to even post comments on some blogs and am with Blogger. Sometimes I have to hit "reply" and leave a comment on somebody else's comment. Don't know why they keep changing things around on us!

This week I'll have more time to visit everybody. I think that things are settling down.

Take care,

Kathy M.

Bob Scotney said...

I've put my foot in it again.

tony said...

I Put My Heart + Sole Into This week's Post........

Kristin said...

Me and my old work boots back in 1978.

Postcardy said...

I may go back to word verification because I got a lot of anonymous spam since I removed it. First I will try not allowing anonymous comments.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Wonderful old vintage pic there. It look like a new pair was a really big deal back in the day...or are they tradin' shoes???

Hummmmm, now I've confused myself. Really, it doesn't take much.

I was not aware of the WordPress problem but oh...don't get me started on word verification!!! I never have or will not use it. I don't have many problems and if one sneaks through I simply delete the comment.

God bless ya man and have a terriric day!!! :o)

Little Nell said...

The word verifications made me see red - so much so that I couldn’t get the colour out of my head whilst writing this post! :)

Postcardy said...

I've got sand in my shoes.

The blogger word verification is a little easier to read now.

Unknown said...

I have a Wordpress blog for SS and if I'm logged into it, although I have a Blogger blog for my poetry, etc., I end up signing in as "Acadianeire". I find using the Open ID option sometimes works.

I'm with the majority: word verification can be a pain!

Not sure how I'm going to handle this theme; there aren't many shoey photos in my archives.

As for Alan, the same goes for me; I had a busy last weekend, and Monday was a holiday here, so I didn't manage to post. Apologies to all.

Mike Brubaker said...

A wonderful theme photo Alan, but I will pass this weekend having done a few photos with shoes recently.

Instead I have a story in celebration of America's Black History Month. I very special set of photos and history.

The Captcha words today are a bit easier, leaving off the ink blob and being all in a serif font. But 13 letters is still a ridiculous game to play.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi, I didn't plan on adding another post for this week, but I just received a neat shoe related one in an email ... can't wait to visit the rest of you and take a look at yours.

Kathy M.

Alan Burnett said...

A pair of shoes from me this week. Well actually a pair of pairs of shoes.

Life Goes On said...

Shoes Shoes I love do love shoes

North County Film Club said...

hi alan,
I just goofed for the 2nd time in two weeks. I think I posted the wrong story. Can you please remove the one about the nurse. I posted incorrectly last week, too!
thanks so much.
Nancy Javier

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

hello everybody, I have been away for a while; Shoes, what would we do without them? Mine are Sandals unfortunately not as far back as roman times.

Christine H. said...

This is a test comment. I have noticed that even when I typed in the word verification incorrectly a few times, Blogger seems to accept it anyway. What's up with that? So, I'm testing it. If you see this comment, it's a good indication that you can type in whatever you like for word verification.

Christine H. said...

Well, it rejected my first try. Then I typed the first word correctly and half of the second word. Didn't seem to mind.

Liz Stratton said...

I've truly missed you all these past few weeks! I won't have a submission this week but hope to at least make the rounds .... Shoes! Great theme!

Steph said...

Hello all!

Things have been a bit mad here lately, so I didn't get to comment much last week- will try and do so tomorrow!

Tomorrow's picture on Ladies is a bit of a loose interpretation, but I loved the excuse to post it!

Howard said...

I'm on-topic this week with a picture of a bootmakers shop in Forest Gate, East London. I've removed the captcha thing so I hope you'll be able to leave comments without difficulty. Please let me know if that is not the case.

Who Were They? said...

My post will spin off of Howards, I've got high button boots and a bit of history.

Concerning WP to Blogger comments, I've been asking around at WP and concensus there is that it's a known problem between the two systems. WP users should first try their open ID if they are logged into WP. If that doesn't work, the name/url way is the only way to comment.

To that end, there are a few people who don't have the name/url option to comment and I have desperately wanted to comment on a few blogs these past few weeks.

viridian said...

I agree about the word verification and I will try taking it off my blog and see if any spammers show up.

DougVernX said...

This week's theme seems to be a good fit! :)

Joy said...

What a marvellous photo, love the variety of expressions, and of course that pretty shoe. Mine this week may be only a shoe in name.
I'm still humming and haaing about whether to take word verification off mine, the words seem to be improving from a week ago%-)

21 Wits said...

Okay I'm in too! The photo you picked has some stunning ladies for sure....I was hoping to find some of those types myself....but went a different way after all! Can't wait to read the others! I've been seeing them roll in already!

Bruno Laliberté said...

i'M HERE!! i'M IN!!
Let's rock these shoes!!

Linda said...

Last again (I think) but Carmen Miranda was my inspiration so I hope you'll all samba over in your wedge heels.

Colleen G. Brown Pasquale said...

Shoes & boots. Lots of fun posts this week. Don't have a shoe photo but am enjoying all the posts.

You really got off on the right foot, or was it the left?

dakotaboo said...

Took a while but eventually found the fit.

Wibbo said...

On theme with something a little different this week.

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I was thinking of passing on this theme but managed to find something in the end.

For what it's worth, I've never used word verification and I do allow anonymous comments which is usually considered a magnet for spammers. They seem to go for older posts though, so I have moderation activated for anything over two days old. It works well and I only very rarely have to delete anything.

Linda said...

I added a new post showing what I think are replacement buttons for high button shoes.

Dani Jonsson- Lopez said...

I also missed last week, but went sole-searching this weekend, determined to come up with something. :)

Little Nell said...

This article tells you you how to get rid of the litle blighters - I’ve done mine!


Meri said...

No shoes to offer -- just a sense of wonder.

Jo Graham (images past) said...

Off topic this week (my lot had boring utilitarian shoes) but I've blogged about my grandparents going on a two month driving tour of Europe. Hope my Mum made the best of it, left unsupervised at 17 :-)

Jo Graham (images past) said...

I ended up doing my comment after "failing" 5 Captchas (they were probably all OK) using my Wordpress account and I gave in and did the name/URL thing

Bob Scotney said...

I haven't left a comment on your post. Every time I visit it my virus checker gives me a warning about threats on the page.

Teresa Wilson Rogers said...

Whew! Finally finished my post on shoes and looking forward to reading everyone else's! I agree the word verification thing is a pain, but I usually don't have too many problems.

Jo said...

Oh, I managed to comment on Little Nell's blog using my Wordpress account. Hurray! But still can't here :-(

jaylen watkins said...

Lovely life of princess. All shoes looks good to her.

letter of Intent