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Man With Book Sitting In Chair Circa 1915 George Eastman House Collection Via Flickr Commons |
Working my way through the list of suggested themes included with the comments to Sepia Saturday 109 I get to LINDA of the delightful blog THE PAPER COLLECTOR and from her list of possible suggestions I choose one of my very favourite subjects - BOOKS. As a theme, perhaps it is a little more challenging than the likes of dolls and dogs, but remember, you can interpret the theme with all the ingenuity you can muster. Pictures of books, pictures from books, books of pictures .... the possible list is as long as your imagination and knowing my Sepia Saturday contributors as I do, I know that is as long as a ten volume encyclopedia.
I have to say that Sepia Saturday seems to have been going from strength to strength over recent weeks and once again I thank everyone for their support. You may have noticed that in her comments on last weeks' post, KATHY over at OREGON GIFTS OF COMFORT AND JOY suggested it might be a good idea to have a Sepia Saturday Facebook Group. It is indeed a good idea and one KAT MORTENSEN had when we first set up Sepia Saturday a couple of years ago. She kindly set up such a group and it has been lying fallow ever since. It can be found by doing a group search for Sepia Saturday or by (hopefully) following THIS LINK. If you use Facebook why not join the group and we can use it to exchange old images and chat about all things sepia. If you don't use Facebook or if you prefer the larger image formats available on Flickr I have also set up a Flickr Sepia Saturday Group which once again we can use to share our images. Again, you should be able to locate it via a group search or (again, hopefully) by following THIS LINK. Thus the Sepia Saturday brand goes remorselessly onward and next week I hope to announce the launch of a range of branded Sepia Saturday underwear!
But that is another book - and one that is perhaps best left closed. For Sepia Saturday 112 all you need do is to post your post on or around Saturday 11th February 2012, leave a link to the list below and visit as many of your fellow sepia posters as possible.
Hi everyone. I know the post this week is a little long but there was lots to fit in. All the links seem to work OK so hopefully we should have energetic Facebook and Flickr communities soon.
Bravo! I will be looking forward to sharing and chatting with folks on Facebook.
Also, I really love this SS challenge. I've just been reading some classic Gothic Fiction and so, this is right up my street at the moment.
On a sad note, I have just lost a very good friend to cancer, so I do apologize if I haven't made it to some blogs to read your "dog" posts, as I've been quite preoccupied this past weekend.
Wow! Thanks you guys! I'll hop on over and "like" the Facebook page.
I'll be back later with this weeks posts ... one is pretty much on theme, but I think the second one will be even more fun.
See you soon,
Kathy M.
Oh, I just read down a bit further on you comment, Kat, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Hugs and prayers are being sent out to you,
Kathy M.
Kat, sorry for the loss of your dear friend.
I just had to get my post up today so that it appeared on Dickens' birthday.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, Kat.
After nuns, reading is one of my favourite topics of photos!
Thanks to all the people who have been coming over to the new website- can't wait to see you all on Saturday and on FB!
I went shopping around the "net" for the picture this week as there was nothing in possession to match the theme. It spoke to me, hope it speaks to you too...
I’m in second childhood this week.
In my family we all love to read but I didn't realize I have no photographs of any of them reading. Found something perfect, however, for Saturday.
First off, Kat, my sincere condolences. A friend is family regardless of blood.
Secondly, I went to the Facebook group and it is scheduled for deletion or retirement or something like that. I requested to join, but it says that if it migrates to a new page members will have to be re-added.
Don't know what I'll do for post this weekend, or if I'll be able to. My daughter is having her 5th birthday party on Saturday. How did that happen so fast?!
Last, I am still unable to post using the open ID from Wordpress. Is anyone else having this trouble? It appears to be across blogger.
If only my grandparents had been reading the letters my father wrote home, it would have fit in perfectly with the series I am doing.
I started with a postcard having an illustration of an open book with some lines of poetry.
Thanks for the shout-out Alan! I was away last weekend, glad to join in again. Poetry also inspired me for this week's theme.
Boy do I miss this! I have been so busy but I am going to make time for this fantastically creative group. I posted about my grandmother's summer in Yellowstone a while back and I need to get that finished.
And it is funny, I have picked up a few sepia images while out shopping in antique stores and thought of you here.
I'll be back to join in with this wonderful blog's fun and creativity.
Mine is a bit of a stretch. Looking forward to making the rounds.
Indeed it is a tricky one this week - but it is amazing what you can do with a little creative falsehood.
Good to see so many of you have signed up for the Facebook and Flickr groups. Sepia 24/7 here we come.
Another great theme this week! I'm also looking forward to the Facebook page.
I don't have any "book" photos, but I do have a mustachioed man reading. I think that fits.
For those that enjoyed my Uncle Clifton's dog photo from last weekend, be sure to check the interesting update.
Love this theme Alan. Hop on over to Crazy as a Cool Fox to "browse" this week's post.
A post on books is a super segue into all the communication links there. I had to get my 'little grey cells' working this week.
I am not a lover of FB or Flickr but I love SS so I will just follow what ever is going on and do my thing.
Kat, my condolences to you. So sorry.
I look forward to everyone's posts this week.
I managed to pull something together - I just hate to miss a week! :-) I'll be late getting around but I'll come visit I promise; maybe on Monday.
I'm a themer, not because I have a picture of man holding a book, but because...
Well, you'll see!!
And it is MY 100th post!!
See ya all!!
Saturday morning has arrived here again, and already all the books are open! It's wonderful!
So sorry for the lost of a dear friend Kat.
Book as photo prop this week, so just about on theme!
Sorry to hear your news, Kat.
My condolences to you, Kat. I, too, have suffered the loss of a dear friend this week, a very old dog in my case.
A bright spot in an otherwise difficult week was putting together a post to fit the "books" theme. Alan's comment about "a little creative falsehood" makes me think he must have been looking over my shoulder.
I'm looking forward to exploring the new Facebook and Flickr sites. Congratulations!
I learn so much here and have missed it. I think I did OK for this theme, thanks to my Grandmother keeping a few photograph books of her college years. Lots of fun photos I hope to tie in with future themes.
I do plan on continuing with Marguerite's "Yellowstone Journal" but was hoping to get a scanner so I can get better quality images. Hope to do so by next week.
A tricky theme this week but after some searching I hopefully found something appropriate. As for the "branded Sepia Saturday underwear" Alan, please make them thermal :-)
I found a delightful image on the web to use.
I am still getting the hang of posting my links. This week I posted onto last weeks theme... lol. I'll get it SOMEDAY! :)
Blogger is still rejecting my links via Wordpress but my post is at
I'm afraid I succeeded in leaving my link on last week's list as well as this weeks. I will investigate Facebook when I get myself under control. Don't wait up.
I participate with hesitation because I can do little more than post some images. I have no time to visit all and leave comments which saddens me. I hope in the future to find a way to allow me a few moments to participate.
Alas, I hope all do not migrate to Facebook. I avoid Facebook at all costs so I hope this little site continues to flourish.
Argh - not sure what happened, but the message sides of my dad's postcards seem to have gotten bleached out, so I reposted today with them darkened. Sorry about that!
Late again, but it is up at http://anglersrest.blogspot.com/2012/02/sepia-saturday-112-books.html
Hello, this is the first time I've been a part of Sepia Saturday and I really enjoyed the shoes assignment. Hope I didn't include too many pictures. I look forward to checking out everyone's shoes photos.
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