Tuesday 28 November 2023

Sepia Saturday 701 : 2nd December 2023

It's December and it's cold and dark (my apologies to readers in the Southern Hemisphere where it will probably be warm and light) and therefore it is time to be heading indoors. Our Sepia Saturday theme for December is "indoors", and our first week theme image is such an archetypical indoor scene - a parent and child reading together. If you are of a certain age you will recognise the scene, recognise the clothes, and recognise the furniture - they all proclaim life indoors. So come on in and join in with Sepia Saturday. Just post your post on or around Saturday 2nd December 2023 and add a link to the list below. And whilst you are sat down in the warmth, take a look at what else will be happening during Sepia December:-


Barbara Rogers said...

Some shots from indoors, though not the one of me on my dad's lap when he was reading to me. I know it's somewhere...

Mike Brubaker said...

I've run out of cute pictures of mother and child so I'm off-topic this weekend. Instead something more appropriate for Halloween. Musical of course.

ScotSue said...

It is never to ealry to start loving books.