Thursday 17 November 2022

Sepia Saturday 648 : Saturday 19 November


Oh look at that happy smiling face, the look which says I have just been bought a new fridge for Christmas! Modern housewives would probably, quite rightly, consign the loving husband who came up with such a present to the chill cabinet for 48 hours. Attitudes change and photographs all too often tell the story of changing attitudes. For our Sepia Saturday challenge this week you can go with fridges, with housewives, with adverts or with changing attitudes. Go with what you will, and go with it on or around Saturday 19th November 2022, and then link your post to the list below. And whilst you are chilling out, take a look at what is next on Sepia Saturday.


Monica T. said...

I'm still poking about in 1925, when the fridge may just about have been invented, but was definitely not yet something my grandmother Sally or her friends would have imagined themselves in possession of. Presenting another letter written by Sally; and managed to find some info and photos of one of her friends/neighbours repeatedly mentioned.

Kristin said...

My family trades in the ice box for their first fridge and I was there!

Barbara Rogers said...

I get a gold star, because I shared several refrigerators!

Mike Brubaker said...

This theme is hard as I do not have any photos of musical refrigerators. However I do have some pretty pictures of young women.