Thursday 29 October 2020

Sepia Saturday 544 : Saturday 31 October 2020

We have reached L in our Sepia Alphabet Ride. Amongst other things, L is for lighthouse, so if you have any old photographs of lighthouses in your collection, now is the time to shine a light on them. If you can't see the light, you could always try leather, lamp-posts, locomotives, long faces, lungfish or labradors. Or you can always ignore these silly prompts, an post any old photo to Sepia Saturday. Just post your posts on or around Saturday 31 October 2020 and add a link to the list below.

And what comes after L - well M and N, of course. See what the future of the alphabet holds for Sepians.


Molly's Canopy said...

L is for Loss of Uncle Albert to the 1918 influenza.

Anonymous said...

L is for Longing for records instead of guessing!

ScotSue said...

ake a look at Lighthouses – after I have coped with the awful new blogger Interface, my poor eyesight and the fact I deleted my first draft by mistaker! Bit I got there!

Mike Brubaker said...

I may not have any photos with lighthouses, but I still figured out how to find some hidden in the background, so-to-speak. Musical of course.

Cassmob (Pauleen) said...

Thrilled to discover stories from a related family and their lighthouse lives.

virginiaallain said...

Sorry that I'm late again. Found some lighthouse despite our family's landlocked location.