Thursday 14 May 2020

Sepia Saturday 520 : 16 May 2020

You cannot imagine how much I wish I could emulate the Sepia Saturday theme image for this week: - a pint in the sun. The sun in question was the Sun Inn, a few miles north of Doncaster and the three men enjoy a lunchtime pint were work colleagues of mine. The empty chair and the half drunk pint were mine. For me, the image brings to mind memories of work friendships and good times. For you, it might prompt thoughts of cars, beers, or sunny days. Most of all, it brings back memories of when we could go out, mix with friends and enjoy a pleasant pint of beer in the sun (or, indeed, at The Sun). Whatever photography memories it might rekindle, rekindle them on or around Saturday 16th May 2020 and add a link to the list below.

Whilst you are sipping your imaginary pint in the imaginary Sun, you might want to take a look at what is around the corner on Sepia Saturday.


La Nightingail said...

Outdoor cafes and dining places with their counterparts - sort of. :)

ScotSue said...

A favourite vintage photograph and happy holiday memories of enjoying ourselves in more recent times

JMP183 said...

Four of the favorite men in my life...

virginiaallain said...

Not a parking lot party, but my picture is festive at least.

Wendy said...

A surprising discovery about the men's groups my dad had been a part of

Mike Brubaker said...

Beer is always good and I have three photos to prove it. Just a little bit musical too.

Cassmob (Pauleen) said...

A beer is good but sometimes an ice cream is better.

Ollie said...

I love the old photographs. Beautiful!