Thursday 16 April 2020

Sepia Saturday 516 : 18th April 2020

Here we are, another Saturday, still in lockdown, and another Sepia Saturday prompt full of people. There are dozens of them on this old photograph from my own collection. I don't know who they are or where they are, but they are all saying - step up and take part in this week's Sepia Saturday challenge. To do so, just post an old photograph - either on theme or off theme - on or around Saturday 18th April 2020 and add a link to the list below. And whilst we are all gathered together like this, why not take a look at what is coming up on Sepia Saturday in the next couple of weeks.


La Nightingail said...

A large group of women, a couple of men, - and what stands out?

Alan Burnett said...

Flash, Bang, Wallop - What A Picture!

Mike Brubaker said...

I following a variation of the theme, a group of younger women with a more severe fashion. Musical of course.

Wendy said...

Floral print dresses

Barbara Rogers said...

My original post lost all but 2 of its I just scrambled and put a couple of different one in.

virginiaallain said...

It's party time and I found a family photo to go with it.

Molly's Canopy said...

This post says "accomplished women" to me -- so my post is about my mother during her 30s, when she went to night school to get her masters.