Friday 16 August 2019

Sepia Saturday 483 : 17 August 2019

I stand before you (well, actually, I am sitting down) a trifle shy - and very apologetic. Once again I am a trifle late in putting the Sepia Saturday prompt on line and my excuses are about as insubstantial as a faded photographic image. So insubstantial that I will not bore you with them, but they involve a balcony, a spent lightbulb and the remains of a bag of cement. Bundling all such cares in a wicker basket, let us move own to this week's Sepia Saturday prompt. As always, all you have to do is to post one of your old photographs, which in some convoluted way is linked to the theme image, on or around Saturday 17th August 2019, and add a link to the list below.

And here is a quick preview of the next two prompts.


Barbara Rogers said...

Some pics with me facing my shy days...maybe.

Molly's Canopy said...

Don't be shy about pursuing a family history lead. Persistence yielded results in the research on my Blakeslee ancestors and Pennsylvania divorce laws.

Mike Brubaker said...

Nothing shy about the children in my collection this weekend. Musical of course, and short too.

Anonymous said...

My wordpress acted up and half my words were missing when I posted. I redid the whole post, so read the 2nd one.

Anonymous said...

Sorry! Hopefully 3rd time is a charm!