Thursday 8 August 2019

Sepia Saturday 482 : Saturday 10th August 2019

Three powerful women. Women who changed the world, women who made society sit up and take notice. The three women featured in this early twentieth century image were leaders of the movement for female emancipation. This week on Sepia Saturday is your opportunity to feature the strong, powerful principled women in your family photographic collections. as with all our Sepia Saturday themes, you can follow any other element of the prompt image you care to choose - who just ignore the prompt and post an image of your choice. Post it on or around Saturday 10th August 2019 and then add a link to the list below.

And whilst you are rekindling your special powers, why not take a look at what is around the corner on Sepia Saturday.


Barbara Rogers said...

At last, I have my info to share on time (even a bit early)...but it's just the facts of these Suffragettes lives.

ScotSue said...

Large hats feature in my post.

Molly's Canopy said...

I don't know whether my divorced ggg grandmother Hannah (Hance) Blakeslee was a suffragette. But could the rise of the women's movement have given her the courage to leave her husband in 1866? This week -- a series recap.

DawnTreader said...

100 years this year since the law in Sweden was changed to allow women to vote...

Mike Brubaker said...

Okay, I have part 3 of my Atlantic City Love Story. It's a long read, but I trust my fellow Saturday Sepians will appreciate the twists in the story.