Monday 6 May 2019

Sepia Saturday 469 : Saturday 11th May 2019

I have very few clues to the identity of this fearsome couple. I have obtained a translation of the caption that appears on the Flickr Commons site and it reads "The Confederation of Consumers' Associations", but what that tells us is beyond me. Whoever they are, they make a good image prompt because, if you are anything like me, you will have loads of fearsome couples in your photographic collections. Choose a couple and post them to a post on or around Saturday 11th May 2019 and add a link to the list below. As for our prompt couple, perhaps they are simply looking into the future and trying to see what the next couple of Sepia Saturday prompts are!


La Nightingail said...

'Portraits' of happy couples!

Mike Brubaker said...

Looks like a lonely weekend. However I have a perfect match for our theme. Musical of course.

Wendy said...

Family photos

Barbara Rogers said...

My Mothers Day collection of my mother's mothers.

Anonymous said...

I'm celebrating a teacher for teacher appreciation week. She never looked like the woman in the prompt photo!