Thursday 11 April 2019

Sepia Saturday 465 : Saturday 13th April 2019

What would you like to buy? It is a stall in a street, a street in a town, a town that could be anywhere. I have even arranged for a cyclist to ride in the background to add another potential theme to this week's Sepia Saturday prompt. Whatever you decide to buy, whatever you decide to post: post it on or around Saturday 13th April 2019 and add a link to the list below. And if you don't like what is on display on this stall, take a look at what is around the Sepia Saturday corner.


La Nightingail said...

The things you find in the places you find them in!

Barbara Rogers said...

My memories from vending at a weekly Tailgate Market...pottery for sale all summer chapters.

Wendy said...

White hats

Joan said...

A family grocery store.

Mike Brubaker said...

I'm using a subtle detail of our theme image to stretch a connection. Musical of course.

Molly's Canopy said...

Is this young lady waiting to meet someone? My post is about how my gg grandmother Mary Elizabeth (Blakeslee)Bull may have met her husband circa 1854-56.