Monday 28 November 2016

The Return Of Sepia Saturday Weekly

Here are a few words of introduction to the return of the weekly Sepia Saturday prompt. In order to make things a little easier for me, I have moved away from the hand-crafted prompt banner to a more easily produced prompt image with a superimposed Sepia Saturday week number. I will post the weekly image each week (hopefully on a Monday) along with a look ahead at the two weekly prompts after the current one. 

Sepia Saturday is all about images and their interpretation and therefore it is only right and proper that the weekly prompt should be an image and you should be free to interpret it in whatever way you want.  You don't really need suggestions from me, it is far more fun to search within the image for a thread you want to follow or a theme you want to explore (the connection can be as convoluted and esoteric as you like).

Each week you will be provided with the theme image for that week, a preview of the next two theme images, and the usual Linky List to sign up to.  Good luck.


21 Wits said...

I have to catch up here again! My blogging time has been so lacking with a full time job added to my world!

Boobook said...

Looks good Alan. I do enjoy the process of finding a matching photo and writing a paragraph or two as well as reading what others have posted. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute more this year.