Wednesday 16 March 2016

Sepia Saturday 322 : 19th March 2016

Now let me apologise at the outset to my antipodean friends for my northern hemispheric approach to this Sepia Saturday call. I know down there (or should that be up there?) Autumn is slipping away and Winter is around the corner and you might well be getting out your thick duffel coats in order to protect yourself from the seasonal chill. But here, here in the north, I can hear the migrant birds returning, I can feel the ghost of warmth from the sun, and when I walk in the countryside I can hear the new-born lambs bleating and my very being cries out "Spring". Following that load of nonsense I had better extend my apologies to Sepians everywhere and get down to business - it's time to post your posts for Sepia Saturday 322 (on or around Saturday 19th March and link them to the list below). As usual you can go where you want with your interpretation of the image (a 1960 picture of twins feeding lambs from the Dutch National Archives) - wherever you go, we will follow.

Before you start bleating about how difficult this prompt is, take a look at what is around the corner!

It's started raining outside so it must be summer. Best thing to do is to stay in and work on your Sepia Saturday 322 submissions. Ba-aaaah


Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

In a big rush this week!

kathy said...

See the story behind Mary Had A Little Lamb.

Kristin said...

My sister patting a goat back in 1953.

La Nightingail said...

Kids and zoos 6 decades and 3 generations apart.

Barbara Rogers said...

Very tenuous connections to the meme...outside, animals, things to drink out of!

Sharon said...

Short and Sweet today :)

Little Nell said...

Pet lambs a-plenty.

Mike Brubaker said...

I amaze myself that I have an appropriate postcard for this theme.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Back to some long gone spring days.

Nancy said...

Little orphan lambs.

21 Wits said...

This week I'm going with our theme photo! So, I've shared how the past makes us richer every single day.

Unknown said...

Two boys and their dog...

DougVernX said...

Kids at the beach!