Tuesday 8 April 2014

Sepia Saturday 223 : 12 April 2014

Why have one photograph when you can have a group of four? You are, of course, free to interpret this week's prompt photograph in whichever way you want, but one possible approach would be a grouping of four old photographs. There are other potential interpretations within this 1919 group of Smithton, Tasmania - indeed there are probably four times as many possible themes as normal. The original image comes from the Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office collection on Flickr Commons. Whatever your interpretation, just post your post on or around Saturday 12 April 2014 and then link that post to the list below.

Before you go in search of your Sepia Quartet, spend a few moments looking ahead to the next couple of Sepia Saturdays.

224 - 19 April 2014 : Gardens, gardening, watering cans, and men stood watching women do all the work

225 - 26 April 2014 : Music, jukeboxes, the 1950s.

All that is for the future. For now, a little four thought will see you four warned.


Jofeath said...

Early again, but I do have a good reason this time around.

Jenny said...

A quartet of hotels this time, and I'm early! Will wonders never cease? ;)

Bel said...

I always forget to post a comment so here goes. A little set of four photos of Friedelsheim, a gorgeous little place in Germany!

Postcardy said...

I have a postcard of the Century of Progress Exposition that has four of the major buildings all on one card.

Brett Payne said...

Buildings for me this week.

Barbara Rogers said...

My post includes 1937 photos and some back story of Garner State Park, Texas.

La Nightingail said...

Unlimited foursomes of this, that, and those.

Kristin said...

4 postcards from my grandfather to grandmother collection that won't fit into the A-Z challenge format. All from 1909.

Wendy said...

Easter bunnies

Alan Burnett said...

I am trying to avoid the weekend rush by getting in early this week with my quadriptych from my mother's purse.

Anonymous said...

Just one postcard from Tasmania to prompt some questions about the Family Tree

21 Wits said...

I made it this week! Slightly on theme, and found a four photo to go with my post!

Mike Brubaker said...

Another theme that works perfectly for a musical photo story. I've got hotels, street views, people, and children, all covered.

DougVernX said...

Take a stroll in front of my hotel with your wonderful summer hat!

DougVernX said...

Take a stroll in front of my hotel with your wonderful summer hat!

Anonymous said...

A brief quartet of hats leads to a second post on a theatre-related postcard from Melbourne

Sharon said...

How I would have like to ask my grandmother questions about her photo album!

Alex Daw said...

Self-centred I'm afraid.

Boobook said...

Only a day late.

dakotaboo said...

Bit later than planned but I'm in this week.