Tuesday 14 February 2012

Sepia Saturday 113 : 18 February 2012

Our theme this week was suggested by SHARON from the SAVE THE PHOTOS Blog, In fact she gave us a whole raft of possible themes - movie/screen/actors/film-stars/film production - all of which revolve around the common element of FILM. And to illustrate the call I have chosen a 1912 picture of that great English actor, Claude Rains, whose career extended to both the theatre and the cinema. I remember him well in what must be my favourite film of all time, Casablance, where he took the part of Captain Louis Renault. Most collectors of old photographs will have a sprinkling of film-stars among their collection and therefore this will be an easy theme for them. For those without film stars cluttering up their archives, there is always men pointing, men sat on chairs or monocles as potential themes. Whatever the choice - theme or no theme - just post your posts on or around Saturday 18th February 2012, add your name to the Linky List and leave us a comment.

The Facebook Group is up and running now and the Flickr Group is small but perfectly formed. I understand that some of you who use Wordpress are having problems commenting on Blogger posts. I am not sure what the situation is with this, but if we have any experts on the problem perhaps they could advise us the best way to work around any problem that may still exist.

But let us leave all our problems and cares behind us, follow the lady with the torch, take our seats and enjoy the film.


Steph said...

I think this is another opportunity for me to show another picture from my collection of the beautiful Miss Phyllis Dare!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Guys! I am not on topic this week, but I did find something kind of cool to post. I'll visit as soon as I can. Have a great week,

Kathy M.

Linda said...

what a fantastic picture! He's one of my favorites, but have never seen a young photo of him. Bravo!

North County Film Club said...

I mistakenly posted last weeks post about "books" on this week. Now it's in both places. I hope no one has to read it twice. Especially since it's a re-post of one from 2010. Some of you may have to read it for the third time. Is there a way to erase your name from Mr. Linky?

Alan Burnett said...

Hi Barbara. I will remove it from this week's list.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What a great picture Mr. Alan. I've never seen such a young pic of Claude Rains.

God bless and enjoy your day Man!!! :o)

Postcardy said...

I am not much of a film fan and thought I didn't any film images. Then I remembered Cinerama.

Some of these new word verifications are impossible to read!

Bob Scotney said...

No film images for me but I got as close as I could to the the chair.

Wendy said...

This game is getting harder! But bring it on!

dakotaboo said...

As you quite rightly assumed Alan, us postcard collectors do of course have various actors and actresses in their collections. Here are a couple of my more recent additions.

Wendy said...

Is it just me, or does Postcardy's link just bring us back here? I had to go through an older Sepia Saturday link to see her wonderful contribution to the cause.

DougVernX said...

Great theme this week Alan. I was stymied till I found this postcard. I'm "horsing around" this week with my post.

Postcardy said...

Alan- would you please remove my first link--it is incorrect.

Mike Brubaker said...

For such a great theme, I have two contributions to offer this weekend.

My first photo is a PERFECT fit even though the post pre-dates my introduction to Sepia Saturday.

The second is a set of photos around the time of Mr. Rains' photo.

Little Nell said...

My problem was which way to leap with this, but I settled on a bit of good old nostalgia and romance. You couldn’t really call Claude Rains a heartthrob in the matinee idol sense - but these two are :) BTW I wrote this on my ipad flying home from UK at 6.30 a.m - it has to be the earliest time in the morning that I’ve written a SS post.

I have to say I agree with Postcardy about the new word verifications - very off-putting.

Howard said...

An old cinema from me this week

Christine H. said...

A very creative person could find a connection between the theme and my post. Might be a bit of a stretch though.

Teresa Wilson Rogers said...

Another great theme! I started my post intending to just post a picture and ended up on another research project. Don't know why I have to do that to myself but I can't seem to help myself. Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with this week!

Joy said...

No I'd never seen him early on his career either, wonderfully urbane in Casablanca.
The posting comments question, I remember that there was some problem doing this on blogger if the comments page appears below the post, if it opens in another window then it is OK.
I shall now attempt to interpret the Rosetta stone script in the word verification, I can see this is going to take a few attempts:-)

Howard said...

These new captcha thingies on blogspot are damn-near impossible! just spent 10 minutes trying to leave a comment!

Kristin said...

I found a clip of a movie I saw in 1950 and some negatives of me for this weeks themes. These themes are getting more challenging for those of us trying to find the photos in our family photos!

Who Were They? said...

While I've got photos of vaudeville stars, I have no movie stars, so how about a photo taken in an early movie theater? It's a bit of a stretch, I know. :-)

Bruno Laliberté said...

Finally in, not as a themer, but I have a full menu for you: an amusement park, some sperm (not what you're thinking...), and a music icon from Quebec. Someone provided me with some pictures at the last minute for my already written post... The thing you gotta do!!

Julie Goucher said...

Caught up for this week. Next up is here - http://anglersrest.blogspot.com/2012/02/sepia-saturday-113-film.html

Wibbo said...

On topic with a cowboy.

Wibbo said...

Some great posts this week - well done Sepia Saturdayers!

21 Wits said...

Our theme this week fits perfectly for a photo I bought some time ago, that is still a mystery to me. Maybe, someone will have an answer or a thought about it!

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I didn't think I'd have anything to offer this week but managed to do it at the last minute.

PS Am I alone in hating the new Re-Captcha images? It takes me at least two attempts to get past them.

Savethephotos said...

barely made it here to check in! Hello! and thanks for using my theme ideas!

Linda@VS said...

This one was a real challenge, but I managed to connect to the theme by the thinnest of threads, and I'm happy with the results.

Now, then, let me focus on Blogger's new version of word verification and see if I can crack the code. (If world powers knew about this, they'd no doubt use it instead of waterboarding.)

Who Were They? said...

Hi Alan, I searched on Facebook for the group but didn't find it. I thought i had joined up a couple weeks ago, I suppose I should go back and find that earlier link!

viridian said...

I'm in at the last minute. Off to do a Sunday Stamps post - I'm a busy blogger.

Linda said...

There was so much to say about this theme, and so many ways to illustrate it! My challenge was to narrow it down. Took me awhile, but I'm here.

Who Were They? said...

I have tried to comment on so many of these great posts but there is a definite problem between Wordpress & Blogger - just wanted to tell everyone that if I didn't comment on your posts this is why! If there is a "name/url" feature I can comment but not with open ID. Sigh, no one seems to know how to fix it on the WP side.

Anyway, great posts everyone!