Thursday, 22 July 2010

Sepia Saturday : Week 33

Last week we gained a new member to our little circle - gibknitty who runs the delightful Urban Muser Blog. The link went up fairly late so those who didn't see the post - which included a photograph of her mother and her aunt - will have missed the interesting comment she makes about the importance of listening to the stories the older generations of our families can tell about the "old days". "And although sometimes our own busy lives get in the way", she writes, "I vow to keep making time not just for new memories, but to revisit the old ones before they disappear". There is a lot of truth in that short sentence and I for one look forward to reading about some of those old memories in her contributions to Sepia Saturday in weeks to come.

Sepia Saturday 33 is almost upon us. Simply incorporate an old photograph into your post and link it via the Linky List below. Don't forget to mention the Sepia Saturday blog and visit as many of the other participants as you can. Make time for some of those old memories on Sepia Saturday.


urban muser said...

Wow, I am honored that you chose to point out my blog to your readers and link to my post from last week. It was a special post for me.

I do love old photographs and have been on a mission over the last year to get as many as I can of my relatives for my family's collection.

A big thanks also to Mildred from "Mildred's Photo For Today" for leading me to this blog and this group. I look forward to participating.

L. D. said...

It is great to keep adding new members. I have to catch my breath sometime and just get a cup of coffee and hit the list. I don't really ever want to miss a one of them, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. She used a wonderful photo for her Sepia Saturday.

tony said...

Welcome to gibknitt
My Post is up.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that I was able to direct Gibknitty to your Sepia Sat. group Alan. Last week was my first time participating too but I don't feel nearly as welcome. I had purchased the t-shirt for Amy (your dog) but never heard back from you so I assume you are not interested.

Ashley Sisk said...

I'm a new follower and came over after i looked at Gibknitty's post. I'll have to visit with my grandmother and see if I can borrow some of her old photos. I love this idea and I'm going to add your blog to my photo challenge page!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Good morning; My sister gave me this whole bunch of old pictures. Since I joined Sepia Saturday found on Leena's blog I know what to do with them. I very much enjoy to see and read what the other participants ancestors have been up to! thank you.

Unknown said...

Back with a new brief post this week out of time...

Katie said...

This is a great blog idea,love it.

Christine H. said...

I'm looking forward to participating this week. I don't do it unless I feel that I will have time to go through all the posts. I'm looking forward to it.


Bruno Laliberté said...

back to good ol'pics!!

tony said...

It Must Be "Happy Hour"! Ive done a second sepia post this week here !

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hello Allan, The bride and bridesmaid. The lady on the right looks like Liz Taylor as a young woman. Nostalgic and beautiful

Alan Burnett said...

Woops, forgot to add myself!

Jinksy said...

Can't promise to come up with the goods every week, but as I did one of this type of posts (unknowingly) yeserday, thanks to Martin H, I've discovered where you all hangout!

Unknown said...

I'm moving all my Sepia Saturday posts over to the designated "Acadianeire" blog - come and see! I've got a brand new post today, featuring some "ghosts".


Historiana said...

Short but sweet this time....sweet as in, cute little baby....or temperamental little baby. It's all in how you look at it :-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to gibknitty to SS. It is always good to have new folks. I love this post. Kind of late today, been having a hard time pulling up photos. Love your post today and as I said on my post it is a good thing to keep the ancestors visible and for me, I am the last one to tell some of these stories. Thanks Alan.

Nancy said...

Hey, what happened to the link box at the bottom of the post? It's disappeared!

Tattered and Lost said...

Barely making it in under the wire, though on this side of the pond the day is only a little over half over.

FireLight said...

I have put up something, just short and simple! Love this project.

Eric S. said...

Okay, I was going through some old photos, and found some that may be interesting with the accompanying story. I thought I would give this Sepia Saturday a run, and see what people thought.

Eileen said...

I just found your site tonight through a blog she posted a link and I followed it here. I am so glad. This is a great project and I really enjoyed going through some old photos. I don't have a scanner handy so I used my camera. It came out pretty much as it looks. The photo is from 1915. This is great fun...thanks for this brilliant idea!

dakotaboo said...

What a great blog site you have here. This is my first posting on the Sepia Saturday. These are a few vintage Carte de Visites (CDV) that I picked up a couple of weeks ago. Hope you like them and find them appropriate for Sepia Saturday.

Your Genetic Genealogist said...

I have accumulated so many photos in my genealogy research that it is difficult to decide what to post. I'm a bit rushed today - busy weekend - so, I posted a simple studio shot of my grandfather from about 1910 that doesn't need much explanation.
I have really enjoyed the comments on my last few posts from the Sepia Saturday visitors, so I look forward to more.