Thursday, 8 July 2010

Sepia Saturday : Week 31

We all have images of those we have known and loved engraved into the very fabric of our minds. In these images our children are always young and carefree, our parents always proud and protective and our grandparents always wise and loving. And then we find an old photograph which, with a seismic shift, alters our whole frame of reference. Here is a parent acting the part of a young child, here is a grandmother looking young and vibrant with beauty. 

I was reminded of this last week with the delightful post by Ticklebear which featured a picture of his grandmother relaxing on the family porch. Ticklebear commented on how strange it was to see his grandmother at rest, far from the role of ever-active matriarch which she undoubtedly took on later in life. This ability to almost travel through time is yet another aspect of these old photographs of ours.

It's time-travel time again so sign up now for Sepia Saturday 31 (Saturday 10 July 2010). Everyone is welcome, just post an old photograph and say a few words about it (it doesn't have to be sepia). Sign up to the Linky List either before or after you post : the only rule is that there are no rules.


Alan Burnett said...

I will either be early or late with my post this week - not sure which yet.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Ticklebears grandmother was a lovely looking lady. I wouldn't have thought the photo that old. Well, I am beck again this week..Thank you for inviting us all here again Alan.
Your a gentleman. Bless you.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

I like history and think this meme would suit me as I also like old sepia photography. T.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Hi Alan, I have posted my picture. Thank you for a great meme. I saw it at Leena's in Finland.
Have a nice weekend. T.

Anonymous said...

I published my post, but I am a little confused, because I got perhaps too much enthusiastic with it :)
I wish good moments to you with the all posts!
Good weekend too!

Alan Burnett said...

Early it was. Mine's up.

Alan Burnett said...

I hope you don't mind but I have re-entered your link as the one that was there was leading to a dead end. Hopefully the new link will work. I don't want people to miss your post.

Unknown said...

Mine will be up momentarily....looking forward to reading more and seeing more photos...

Bruno Laliberté said...

thanks ALAN for the thumbs up. it was unexpected. my grandma always had a busy household: a husband, five kids, the sixth one died young, a maid, various relatives living with them at various times, and you add to all of this family, neighbors and relatives dropping by...
but she always had a pot of tea and some coffee ready, (or some potent hoimemade wine...) along with some pastries or cake or pies, all homemade!!! and dinner was never a problem, no matter how many were sitting at the table at any time. where did she find the time????? she did everything from scratch!!! but that aside, she was the most charming woman you could ever meet, a good listener, compassionate and generous. just don't talk politics with her, that's all!!!! she sure was opiniated, and her only flaw: she could hold a grudge!! i guess no one is perfect. but she was close!!
thanks again for the thumbs up!!

Tattered and Lost said...

I continue to dig my way through a very large bag of b/w negs, never knowing what will show up. Some hits, a lot of misses. This post and the one I posted a few days earlier are both hits. I hope you enjoy the mystery of who the people might have been.

Nancy said...

I just wanted to tell you - all of you - one of the reasons I love Sepia Saturday: Everyone who posts for Sepia Saturday and comes to look at my photos makes a comment. I really appreciate that. It tells me that we Sepia Saturday posters don't just sweep through the others' photographs for a brief 10 seconds but that we actually look and think and respond. It feels very supportive. Thanks!

tony said...

fashionably late...................

neetzy said...

I'm not contributing to Sepia Saturday this week as I was trying to focus on my painting. I posted on that. Love Ticklebear's grandmother. Though I'll never be like her, I admire her immensely!