Thursday 8 December 2022

Sepia Saturday 651 : 10th December 2022


The only thing I know about this week's theme image was a single word written on the back of the photograph: "Granny". The photograph is one of the ones I have acquired from who knows where - old photographs are attracted to me like iron filings to a magnet - and therefore it is no granny of mine nor anyone that I know. But she looks like formidable lady, and therefore she is perfect for our Sepia Saturday theme for this week. So share your photos of grannies and formidable ladies on or around Saturday 10th December 2022 and add a link to the list below.

Our theme image for Sepia Saturday 652 depicts a radio communications officer surrounded by what at the time would be all the latest communications equipment. Our themes are therefore communications in their widest sense and all manner of technology and equipment. Or it can be radio or it can be ships: with Sepia Saturday, you can be as obtuse or creative as you like. Over and out.

As is traditional on Sepia Saturday, our Christmas theme image covers the two week festive period. Our theme image reflects traditions and Christmas, and what could be more traditional than cart loads of turkeys on their way to market! You can make of the theme image what you will, and follow it in any direction you choose. The only essential is that you all have the very best of a sepia Christmas time.


Molly's Canopy said...

At last, I have a photo that matches the prompt (if not the woman's age). It's my Aunt Rita standing alone the Boston beach during a 1952 family trip.

Kristin said...

My mother wrote about her grandmother and my great grandmother Jennie Virginia Turner. With photos, of course.

Barbara Rogers said...

One shot of my grandmother to match the prompt, then off to other fun things...

Monica T. said...

Posting the last of my "Granny" Sally's letters from 1925; in which she has a rant about traffic accidents, drunk driving, and the danger of telephone wires hanging too low... No photo to really match the prompt; but a few others. :)

I'll be taking a break from "long letter" posts over the holidays; but am hoping to continue to explore some more letters of later date next year.

Mike Brubaker said...
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Mike Brubaker said...

The closest I could come to the theme this weekend are some postcards of much young women showing off their dance moves.