Tuesday 8 October 2019

Sepia Saturday 491 : Saturday 12 October 2019

Our theme image this week features mill workers in America in the early years of the twentieth century, and it is an image that has a very personal connection for me. Whether you, like me, have mill workers in your family tree or not, the fabric of our theme can easily stretch to encompass any aspect of the world of work. Or machines, or fabrics, or .... whatever your imagination wants to do with it. Just post a post featuring an old image on or around Saturday 12 October 2019 and add a link to the list below.

Whilst you are waiting for your bobbins to bob or your spindles to spin, you might want to take a look at our next couple of theme images.


L. D. said...

I am having trouble with connecting with my posts. I am not certain why I even was disrupted. I still like to view the peoples postings from the prompts. I will keep trying to get on again.

La Nightingail said...

I'm posting early (!!) because PG&E is going to shut off our power at noon for perhaps two days! Fire danger because od dry conditions & high winds and they haven't kept their lines and equipment in good condition for years so now we all have to pay! Very irksome!

Molly's Canopy said...

Weaving the story of my Blakeslee ancestors’ 1866 divorce saga into one summary post.

Barbara Rogers said...

My Native American great grandmother (times 8 greats) who also lived at the time of Pocahontas.

violet s said...

I have absolutely no (known) connections to any mills. So I have a post with a pre-mill spinning wheel. I've never spun wool, though for a year or so I did store a spinning wheel in my living room for a knitting friend. The fact that I had a wool allergy did not stop my mother from the onslaught of knitted afghans, sweaters, mittens, socks, scarves, ... every Christmas!

Mike Brubaker said...

I recently acquired the perfect photo for this theme. Musical of course.

ScotSue said...

An ideal theme for me, as I feature a 200 years history of textiles in my village in the Scottish Borders.

I was all set to publish my post on Thursday but was blocked from Sepia Saturday by my anti-virus programme saying it was a "dangerous site". I contacted my computer advisor who treasured me if I had used the site for many years without any issues, it was safe to click on the option to "open despite this warning".

So here I am. Alan - please now ignore my message on another of your websites. Thank You.

ScotSue said...

Oops! That is predictive text for you - "treasured" should be "reassured!
With apologies.

Alex Daw said...
