Wednesday 23 May 2018

Sepia Saturday 420 : Saturday 26 May 2018

Sepia Saturday 420 : Saturday 26 May 2018
Scenic Railway And Bathing Beach, Venice, California

I will be away at the seaside this weekend so in my absence I thought I would leave you with this theme image of the scenic railway and bathing beach at Venice, California. I will not be in Venice, Ca (nor even Venice, Italy), but in Lowestoft, Suffolk, but there is sure to be sea, sand, donkeys, fish and chips, amusement arcades - and all the other things associated with the seaside far and wide. For Sepia Saturday 420 simply post a post on or around Saturday 26th May 2018 and add a link to the list below. And whilst you are trying to decide whether or not to take a dip in the Sepia Sea, here is a preview of the next two themes.


Barbara Rogers said... wasn't easy to check the "privacy policy square!" But I perservered and got to post my blog entry. Hope to see more folks joining in this week, even if they're like me and missed the topic!

La Nightingail said...

Lots of fun to be had on the beaches of California.

Mike Brubaker said...

I think I've got this theme covered. Another longish story but one I think everyone will enjoy.

It seems that European rules on cookies and privacy rights are intruding into the world of blooging. As I added some streaming music to accompany this post, please let me know if there is any difficulty reading the content on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm really late! And I may have gotten a bit carried away...