Wednesday 29 November 2017

Sepia Saturday 396 : 2 December 2017

Our Sepia Saturday theme image for this week is one of my own photographs which was taken back in the 1960s. It features market stalls in Brighouse, a typical small Yorkshire town. If you are looking for potential themes you can go with markets, vegetables or even headscarves. There is, however, one odd thing about this photograph which makes it a little bit spooky - and you may choose to go with that as a theme. It is one of my negatives, taken with one of my cameras - and, indeed, I can even remember taking it even though it was fifty years ago: but on careful examination, that young lad looking at some of the market produce on the right of the photograph appears to be me! To have taken the photograph and appeared in it must make this one of the earliest selfies!

Whatever theme you go with (or without - as always, the choice is yours), simply post your post on or around Saturday 2nd December 2017 and link it to the list below. As Christmas is just around the corner, here are the remaining themes for the rest of the year so that you have plenty of time to plan ahead.


Barbara Rogers said...

Since I'm busy the rest of the week, I'm glad to get this posted early...showing one of the market-places I'll be hanging out...yesterday I posted pics of the other one. Off to market I go!

Mike Brubaker said...

I've got absolutely nothing to match this theme, so I'm returning to a long running theme of women brass players.

La Nightingail said...

I'm going on a trip and I'm going to take a peach.
You're going on a trip and you're going to take ________?

Jofeath said...
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Jofeath said...

late entry into the market from me, but it doesn't seem to be a popular theme so far, or maybe people are just getting too busy with pre-Christmas/holiday events, going to their local markets etc.

Bob Scotney said...

Not a connected post but I came across a link worth sharing about our local town.…/A_Brief_History_of_Yarm.p…