Wednesday 23 August 2017

Sepia Saturday 382 : 26 August 2017

Last week we had a horseless carriage (or bike), next week we have a horse chasing a bike (or carriage), and this week we have some graceful carriage. When I look at this old photograph from the Flickr stream of the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women, I think of school gymnasiums, swinging ropes, vaulting horses, poise and balance. That is merely what I think of, what we are interested in is what you think of. What do you have in your stock of old photographs that might match this theme image? Whatever it is post a post about it on or around Saturday 26th August 2017 and add a link to the list below.

And here is what we have awaiting us for the next couple of Saturdays.


tony said...

Some very Fancy Footwork.......

Barbara Rogers said...

Yes, stretching and bending to be healthy! I've got a couple of cats exercising...the clay kind. But I used to do this stuff myself, so that must be worth something, even if it's not very sepia.

ScotSue said...

Let's Exercise is my theme.

Little Nell said...

Sorry Sepians, not joining you again this week. :( I will be back soon though.

Alan Burnett said...

Why Sepia Saturday is like a day spent fishing,

Postcardy said...

I am linking to my newer Postcardy 2.0 blog this week. My theme is group fitness.

Mike Brubaker said...

Just returned from a holiday in Oregon and Alaska, but thanks to the advance notice of themes I knew I had this one covered. Non-musical for a change.