Wednesday 27 April 2016

Sepia Saturday 328 : 30 April 2016

Our theme image for Sepia Saturday 328 - post your posts on or around Saturday 30 April 2016 and link to the list below - is a 1914 photograph from the Flickr Commons collection of the Dutch National Archives. The caption of the photograph is "The Great War. Refugees from Antwerp, Belgium, bringing a painting into safety. Belgium, 1914" As with all Sepia Saturday visual prompts, you are free to go in whichever direction you want when interpreting this theme: there is plenty of subject matter in there just waiting to be rescued.

And if you want to look ahead and see what is around the Sepia corner, here are the next two theme images.

So that is refugees, sheep and typesetters - who said there had been a hidden theme within the themes over the last few months! Whatever the theme within the theme within the theme might be, all you need to do is to rescue your own pictures from obscurity and post them on Sepia Saturday 328.


Alan Burnett said...

Me, second on the list! This has to be some kind of record.

Mike Brubaker said...

Just a spin on women with bows. Musical of course.

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

The rescued picture caught my attention. I didn't see the forest for the trees.

La Nightingail said...

Two women, a painting, & a road. I simply eliminated the women.

Barbara Rogers said...

Saving art...and for me it's got to be pottery!

tony said...

Blimey! I'm Back ! :)

Tattered and Lost said...

I'm the one who saves the art this time.

Little Nell said...

Eleventh hour again. We are having problems with intermittent connection.

ScotSue said...

Just one photograph from me this time - but it is so apt for the prompt - the road, a picture frame and a "headless" woman.

DougVernX said...

I found a slight connection. It's a stretch but I've had this post as a draft for quite some time now. Thought I would bring it out. Enjoy!

Boobook said...

Like La Nightingail I eliminated the women ... and the painting.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

I am never late, only once! War and fashion, there must be hope.

Unknown said...

Your only late when you get there! The rescued painting is what also caught my eye.