Monday 16 June 2014

Sepia Saturday 233 : 21 June 2014

I am afraid I can't be with you this weekend, I have a wedding to go to. And weddings are the traditional time for family and friends to gather together to celebrate the sealing of a new relationship. But what about all my Sepia friends spread throughout the five continents, what I would really like to do is to invite them along to my son's wedding day. But unless you happen to be in Yorkshire on Saturday, the only way I can do that is to send you a digital invitation to help me celebrate the day in best Sepia Saturday style. So it is time to look out all those old wedding photographs and post them to your blog on or around Saturday 21st June 2014. Once posted, link the post to the list below. I will try and make sure that I have a look at your various posts and raise a virtual glass of champagne as I wish Alexander (the Lad) and his new bride, Heather, all the very best sepia wishes.

And whilst the wedding photographs are being taken, sneak a look at what lies ahead in the next couple of weeks.

234 : Reflections on paddling in the lake or sea

235 : Greetings and handshakes : pipes and politicians

But now let's have a bit of a hush. My Lords, ladies and Gentlemen, raise your glasses please to the bride and groom.


diane b said...

Best wishes to the bride and groom. Have a great day Alan.

Jofeath said...

Best wishes from me too!

La Nightingail said...

Hope the wedding is beautiful & perfect. Well, almost perfect. Every wedding needs one little funny thing to go wrong for great memories!

Kristin said...

Alan, hope your son's marriage lasts forever until the end of time, unlike the marriage I am covering.

Barbara Rogers said...

Cousin-making with 2 families first come together, and when you look back through your ancestors, there are all these cousins!

Anonymous said...

Dropped in to post without looking at the prompt. So I put 2 up. I revived my wedding post. Hope everyone is well. Ive been to busy to write photo blogs so its precious time when I can devote to this. Miss you all!

Wendy said...

Congratulations to Alan's family. My post is a wedding look-alike.

21 Wits said...

Of course I had to post on this most special of events in your dear family. Much happiness and love to your son and his wife! Merry celebrations for all.

Bob Scotney said...

I hope everyone has a day to remember.

Mike Brubaker said...

I add my best wishes to the bride and groom too. Cheers all around!

My contribution includes a story about a June wedding that by cosmic coincidence seemed appropriate for this Sepia weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hope the sun shines on you all today for the family wedding. Four generations of weddings to start my post, and then a few others as well.

Little Nell said...

I hope the wedding is a great experience (like the one in my post!).

Boobook said...

A wedding photo puts some faces to the names.

DougVernX said...

We have wedding day and anniversary celebration at CrazyasaCoolFox

Jackie McGuinness said...

Glass raised!!!!

anyjazz said...

Hope the wedding goes as planned! Some of the weddings in LOST GALLERY didn't go so well.

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

Cheers to all! Have a wonderful day.

rhymeswithplague said...

If anyone visits my post today (21 June), the photo is of me and the Mrs. six months after we were married. To see us on our wedding day in May 1963, you'll have to click one more time, on the link at the bottom of the post!

Sensible Footwear said...

I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday.

Unknown said...

Best Wishes