Our theme image for Sepia Saturday 229 - post your posts on or around Saturday 24 May 2014 - comes from the Flickr Commons collection of the State Archives of North Carolina and shows a dorm room at a typical North American College in 1917. It is a print from a glass plate negative and it would appear to have suffered from the ravages of time. There are a host of possible themes you might like to follow ranging from the girls in their room to the pennants and banners on the wall or even that somewhat rudimentary plumbing next to the window. I must confess to being a little taken with the wallpaper - I am sure I used to have some like that in my bedroom when I was young. Whatever you decide to go with, just post your post, link it to the list below and fly the Sepia Saturday pennant on your blog. But before that, take a look at what exciting things lie just around the sepia corner.

230 : Women with long hair and .... women with long hair
231 : By popular demand .... it's do what you want week
Such things are for the future. Now it is time to go to your rooms and see what you can come up with for Sepia Saturday 229. Good luck.
Ha ha, me first! The pics for my post this week are 1953 or so, and tie in with a previous post about "dancing-in" rock and roll.
Hello Alan, hoping all is well. Things are a bit busy on my end, so I'm posting early for me! I feel horrible about missing time here!
Wow, I am excited, to be second on the list this week!
Dorms, apartments, suites, huts, it's all here.
The girls in the prompt look too young for college, and the large bows and baby dolls are not typical for college students.
I started with pennants and ended with music.
Dolls are my theme for this week.
Army connotations for me.
My grandaunt's college dorm
Just Normal College Girls from me this weekend, and as usual they are musical too.
June 1980 - Two sisters and our daughters sitting on a bed. And a snapshot report on what was happening to us.
College girls aplenty, some musical, some with a penchant for Robert Redford!
I've got a perfect match for kids on a bed!
There were three in the bed and the little one said…
My mother's college days, plus a couple of bed photos from me.
I can't believe how popular those big bows were at one time.
So many great entries. It's kind of a pain for a non-Blogspot blogger to sign in on those accounts. So I am enjoying what I see, but don't have the patience to sign in on Google, (a company I pretty much abhor).
My husband's grandmother was a school boarder.
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