Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Sepia Saturday 152 : 17 November 2012

Our Sepia Saturday Archive Picture Prompt this week comes from the collection of the New York Public Library and features a group of children avidly reading their books following a talk about books by the staff of the Library. The picture dates back to the 1920s (note : there is not a Kindle in sight) and offers a variety of potential directions for Sepia Posters to take (books, reading, kids, libraries, ridiculous check jackets ... or whatever). The only instruction, as usual, is to post your post on or around Saturday 17th November 2012 and include a link on the list below.

Now I know we had a reading prompt fairy recently and you may think that the Sepia Saturday archivist has once again lost the plot (especially as there was a strikingly similar image previewed for SS153). And you would be right. However, I have swallowed a couple of those little yellow pills and things seem much clearer now. Therefore I have decided to withdraw the prompt image for SS153, replace it with a new one, and forget the whole episode ever happened (I suspect I need a holiday). So here is a preview of the next two Sepia Saturday prompts for those who like some advanced notice of the confusion to come.

You can, as usual, read into those two images exactly what you want to, but don't start reading until you have completed your submission to Sepia Saturday 152. Now, are you sitting comfortably?


Rosie said...

Children always make such a good subject, I used a picture of my grandaughter, Katie Rose for this week's prompt.

Unknown said...

Wonderful! I can work with all THREE if these images!( Not all at once, of course.)

I should be early this week since I have a photo I have wanted to share for some time that fits ideally.

Alan Burnett said...

Sorry Wendy, I have posted it now. I told you I needed a holiday!

ScotSue said...

Hi, Alan - I love the picture of the two girls (sisters?) for the week of the 24th Nov. but what happened to the earlier image for the 24th fatured in last week's preview i.e. the 1940's family sitting down at the tea trolley - my brain was buzzing with possible postings from teatime, soldier photograph, reading the news, etc. I was planning on getting ahead on this. Have I missed something somewhere?

Alan Burnett said...

Hi Sue, when I put the previews for 152 and 153 next to each other I realised they were very similar and therefore I changed the one for next week. But by all means follow the earlier prompt image if you like.

Postcardy said...

I have an old photo postcard of people "reading."

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

I love libraries so this was inspiration on many levels. Hard to choose just one. Thanks for making such thought-provoking selections.

Wendy said...

I have some old textbooks. But now that doesn't sound as exciting as Tahir Sumar's Hot Bollywood girls. Spam arrives at Sepia Saturday, I see.

Alan Burnett said...

Oh dear, I have removed Tahir's comment and now people will not know what Wendy means! Not to worry, Tahir, I have noted your comments and promise I will include Hot Bollywood Girls as a theme for a future Sepia Saturday. Knowing all my Sepia friends I suspect I am going to be inundated with old photographs of Bolloywood Girls over the next few days. What must be, must be!
In the meantime, my contribution for SS152 is up.

Kristin said...

A photo of my high school mother writing while others in her study hall appear busy. There is even a checkered jacket in the bunch.

Bob Scotney said...

Have you got a library card?

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Libraries are my favourite places, here is one with a twist to it.

Peter said...

Love libraries and bookshops. But finding an appropriate picture to suit the occasion...

dakotaboo said...

I've stretched the theme just a little bit ... but I'm early, and I'm in.

Anonymous said...

I got the boy, but that's about it. :-)

Kathy said...

I've taken a trip through a few books I had as a young child.

Unknown said...

Libraries...we all love 'em!

DougVernX said...

My post has a library in it I think.

Unknown said...

I love libraries too, especially a little history of a famous one.

Unknown said...

I am a lover of books and libraries but I am not on that theme because I have no such photos in my stacks...instead...well, look & see

Bruno Laliberté said...

A kid, [moi], in my school pics,
and a coincidence that practically makes me a themer even despite myself...

Life is funny that way!!

ChrissRed said...

Almost didn't make it today, but then I was surprised at myself for finding one that would make me join :) there's a photo of me at the college department faculty office - two decades ago, in a room with plenty of reference and textbooks. . . Thanks for hosting, Alan! Enjoy your weekend!

Liz Stratton said...

Somehow this prompt inspired a migration but ultimately ended up at the library ....

Must be doing too much traveling of late!

Life Goes On said...

I am late as usual but have posted a wonderful vintage photo from my collection. Young woman holding her bible. Have a great weekend everyone.

Wibbo said...

Not really reading, but there's a book in the photo...

Jana Iverson Last said...

What's in those old newspapers? I've got a photo of my great-grandfather finding out as he sits on the steps of his home and reads a newspaper.

Mike Brubaker said...

A story of boys and newspapers, and music of course.

Teresa Wilson Rogers said...

I actually made it in on Saturday! And with an on theme photo!

Barbara Rogers said...

Late this are kids in a modern public library play area.

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