Monday 12 March 2012

Sepia Saturday 117 - Scouts

In a comment to last weeks' Sepia Saturday call, Colleen G. Brown Pasquale of Leaves and Branches pointed out that this week marked the 100th anniversary of the girl scout movement and the same anniversary of the boy scout movement took place recently. Such an important milestone calls for a celebration so we are celebrating this week on Sepia Saturday with the theme "Scouts". You can extend the theme in any direction you want to - I seem to recall I have a picture of my father in the Boys' Brigade and therefore my particular extension will be inter-denominational - and you can always ignore the theme and post an old picture of choice if you would like to. Whatever you decide, be prepared to post your post and signal it by adding a link to the list below.

My archive picture dates back to 1914 and comes from the Flickr Commons collection of the National Library of Ireland. It is entitled "Fianna Éireann scouts carrying out signal training with flags". If you are not familiar with the language of semaphore, allow me to translate for you. It says "Get your Sepia Saturday 117 Posts up on or around Saturday 17th March 2012". Dib dib dib!


tony said...

I'm First!!!!!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

I'm second! And, of course I'm off theme again. This is a neat one though, I am featuring a letter written in 1885 from Ft. Bidwell, CA about a woman from Oregon who did laundry for the soldiers.

Kathy M.

savethephotos said...

I kept checking in but didnt want to be too early and first, haha. On theme, short and sweet

Postcardy said...

My post is about vintage Girl Scout uniforms.

Colleen G. Brown Pasquale said...

Found these 1964 postcards I mailed home from Girl Scout camp & they are very cute.

Bob Scotney said...

I'm flagging a bit this week.

North County Film Club said...

Hi Alan,
I've done again, posted an old sepia saturday by mistake. It's #8. So people don't have to suffer through reading an old post, could you please remove it.
Don't know how I do it!
Thanks much.

Little Nell said...

Gather round the campfire and let’s have a sing-song!

Tattered and Lost said...

Two posts this time. The first linked to Sepia Saturday is of old scout photos from Scotland. The second post is of the 1960 American scout handbook. A link is provided on the photography site within the post.

Alan Burnett said...

Deleted as requested Nancy. And, hopefully, I have finally managed to get rid of the word verification torture on the Sepia Saturday Blog : could someone let me know if it is still there.

Wendy said...

There it is, such as it is. Good theme, but I struggled.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

To Save the Photos:

I have tried 3 times to leave a message, but it won't accept it on your page, sorry. Here it is:
This is a great post. Thanks so much for sharing your memories with us. How cool to have met Tootie; and I love the idea of the Dolly Derby.

Kathy M.

DougVernX said...

It wasn't to difficult to embarress myself this week. This theme brought back some great memories!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Hello Alan and fellow scouts; I am at a complete loss here, no scouts around my family so something else, organised in uniforms. Hope you enjoy.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Alan, just to tell you no verification any more; perfect!

Anonymous said...

I'm in with some vintage 70s Girl Scouts, myself included, heh.

Christine H. said...

I'm back after a few weeks away. Can't wait to see what all of you have posted.

viridian said...

A little off-theme - I have a group of music students.

Mike Brubaker said...

No scouts but I do have boys and the same time period. Hats too but no flags.

Bruno Laliberté said...

No boys club for me but something that looks like boystown rather...
and there's even some family pictures in this post!! But I mostly rellied on the web. And I've included an old joke about scout girls... at the end!!

Linda said...

I went to the library for my scout picture, and of course that led me to many other historic events...

Steph said...

I've posted a link to a post from two months ago- my sole picture of a girl scout. I hope you like it!

Alan Burnett said...

I'm in ... with the Boys' Brigade

dakotaboo said...

I've had to stretch the theme slightly to uniforms as I don't seem to have anything scout-like.

Linda@VS said...

The only scouting photos I found in my collection were photos of me. I regret to say that they're old enough to be considered vintage.

Wibbo said...

An on-theme photograph from the family album this week :o)

Anonymous said...

I didn’t realize their was a theme for each saturday. I have tried to take my name of the linky but I don’t know how.

I’m sorry!


Teresa Wilson Rogers said...

Another great subject! Can't wait to read them all except I'm still behind on last week's posts. :-(

Kristin said...

I was a Brownie for ten minutes at age 7. If only someone had taken a picture.

Kristin said...

Cindy, you don't have to follow the theme.

Howard said...

No scouts, but a little girl, a three-wheeled car and a pub...

Unknown said...

Oh, I missed this one! I do actually have a fascinating pair of vintage scout photos I found in a flea market and posted last year. I'll leave a link.