Tuesday 27 September 2011

Sepia Saturday 94 : Saturday 1 October 2011

Image : State Library of Queensland, Australia via Flickr Commons
My archive image this week is neither sepia nor is it a photograph : but when have rules ever been important round here at Sepia Saturday? It's old and its interesting - who could ask for anything more. If the "themers" amongst us ask for anything more they can take their pick from pretty girls, horses, polo, Queensland, magazines, the stratosphere, sea stories and Jean Harlow. Not to mention the half dozen or so hidden themes that many of you like to discover and share with the rest of us. I have said before on many occasions, that I often think of blogging as being the natural descendant of these wonderful illustrated magazines of the 1930s and 1940s. So I look forward to Issue 94 of Sepia Saturday Illustrated Weekly which will be available at your local newsstand on or around Saturday 1st October 2011. To participate just link your post to the list below, and then "read all about it".
SEPIA SATURDAY is a weekly meme which encourages bloggers to publish and share old images and photographs. All that is required is for contributors to post an old image (it doesn't have to be in sepia) and provide a few words in explanation. If you could provide a link back to the Sepia Saturday Blog and visit as many of the other contributors as you can, it would also be appreciated. There is no weekly theme, as such, but some people like to use the archive image published with the weekly call as a kind of theme. There is no requirement to adopt such an approach : the choice of image is entirely up to you. Once you have published your Sepia Saturday post, add a link to that post to the Linky List published each week and leave a comment to let everyone know you are joining in.


Rosie said...

I had fun with this week's theme (s). I am presenting legs, nylons, and high heel shoes, all at a good price.....

Anonymous said...

Perfect! Something different, and I have just the photo! Now I have to get to work :)

Little Nell said...

I took a nostalgic look back at the reading habits of the young ladies in my family. Dip into some really good stories with me!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Too cute! I found a sepia pic of a lovely young woman riding a bull, and some vintage Marilyn Monroe pictures. Sorry I missed last week; I'll try to get caught up with everybody this week.


Kathy M.

Bob Scotney said...

From horses to polo to jolly hockey sticks with a female to beware of.

Postcardy said...

there are so many topics suggested by this week's image. I actually did postings on both of my blogs.

DougVernX said...

Places your bets on this horse race. It's post time!

anjum wasim dar said...

Here goes another great captured moment.The car is no more, the house is presently being robbed of its spacious lawns to widen the road.I miss my mom (in Heaven now)and sisters, two in USA one in the Frontier Province Pakistan.Father took this picture.May his soul rest in peace.amen


Brett Payne said...

Can I make a clain to be the closest follower of the theme this week?

Anonymous said...

Ah dang, I used my photo of a woman on a donkey in Tijuana quite some time back. Had to go with a fellow from 1947 and a mystery language that I cannot identify.

dakotaboo said...

Had to really search for inspiration this week as my various vintage collections were mostly lacking anything vaguely related. So, I am theming this week, albeit a bit tenuously.

Alan Burnett said...

For girls I have men, for horse-riding I have walking, for polo I have pints, and for Jean Harlow I have Marlon Brando : who says I can't follow a theme!

Karen S. said...

Oh I liked this cover....the illustration just spoke wildly to me...and I had something I got a few years ago to just complete my offering! I hope your weekend is wonderful !

Karen S. said...

Rosie, I can't comment on your link, (a blogger glich) but Legs-Excellent!

Karen S. said...

dakotaboo and Mike, both great Sepia Posts, but for some (glich) in blogger I still can't comment on your blogs...so sorry! But both ExCellent!..anyone else have trouble with these too?

Martin said...

Alan, I probably would never have dug this one out, but for your excellent prompt.

Liz Stratton said...

So many choices, so little time. You can take the girl out of the West but you can never take away her love of horses! I'll have to save this inspiration for some later date when I've nothing of interest.

Kristin said...

A copy of The Illustrated News, a weekly published by family and friends. The date was June 24, 1963. The main story was about the "March to Freedom" down Detroit's Woodward Ave. 100,000 (at least) turned out.

Unknown said...

A lovely pose! I can never be sure which way my mind and keyboard will wander, I am kind of on theme and kind of not. But I'm in soon.

Unknown said...

Exactly a hodge podge of themes here this week I love old magazine covers so since I had nothing on hand had to go searching. Love the comments on how folks decided on their entry. LOL. Quite entertaining along with the posts.

Howard said...

A peaceful rural village from me this week

Anonymous said...

Nice, pretty ladies, Jean Harlow. Lots of inspiration!

Mike Brubaker said...

I've gone with a girl in a hat theme. Cheers.

Marilyn & Jeff said...

My main image fits the theme in that it is neither sepia nor a photograph.

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

A wonderful set of choices - except for me. :) But I made a link in the end.

Sean Bentley said...

Forever off on my own paths I submit a different sort of media this week - aural sepia!

Tattered and Lost said...

I had something for the "theme" so I just had to post. My problem will be getting around to all to say hello. Bandwidth issues will keep me offline a lot for the next week. I will try to get around later this week.

PattyF said...

A day late, and undoubtedly a dollar short, but I took the 'horse' theme for a ride in my post.

Karen S. said...

Bob S. Your new change isn't working for me to leave comments on your blog...here is my comment for your Plum-Pie post. Oh I think I'd even try a pie with those plums! I like the story building up to all this ....and hopefully I can comment with your new adjustment here! Have a great week Bob! Enjoy your plum pie too! I tried to post this where I had posted before, but your new system has put me back in the no can post comment zone on your posts, again. :(

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Great photograph and indeed an interesting theme of cooking and 'what's cooking'

powershot a495 said...

Thanks Friend

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