Wednesday 17 August 2011

Sepia Saturday 88 : Saturday 20 August 2011

"I think that I shall never see, A poem as lovely as a tree". This splendid photograph of a tree was taken in 1910 by Huron H Smith and forms part of the digital collection of the Field Museum in Chicago which has been made available via the Flickr Commons Project. The title given to this glass negative by the photographer was "A Poet's Tree" as it pictures the actual oak tree in Glynn County, Georgia, under which the poet Sidney Lanier wrote the poem "The Marshes of Glynn". For people who like a theme for their Sepia Saturday contributions, a tree would seem a suitable starting point. Whatever you post, post it on or around Saturday 20th August 2011. I am looking forward to seeing the various contributions because: "I think I will probably see, a post as lovely as a tree".
SEPIA SATURDAY is a weekly meme which encourages bloggers to publish and share old images and photographs. All that is required is for contributors to post an old image (it doesn't have to be in sepia) and provide a few words in explanation. If you could provide a link back to the Sepia Saturday Blog and visit as many of the other contributors as you can, it would also be appreciated. There is no weekly theme, as such, but some people like to use the archive image published with the weekly call as a kind of theme. There is no requirement to adopt such an approach : the choice of image is entirely up to you. Once you have published your Sepia Saturday post, add a link to that post to the Linky List published each week and leave a comment to let everyone know you are joining in.


Alan Burnett said...

Apologies for being a little late with the Call this week, as I mentioned last week, I have been away for a few days. This has also meant that I never managed to get around all the posts last week - my apologies for that. Rather than continually try and catch up, I suspect the best thing to do is to concentrate on keeping up with my comments from now on.

Karen S. said...

I like this tree and I've been many times to the Field Museum, a very lovely place nearly as lovely as a treee...I have to laugh, if my mother would have seen this photo her comment would be, "They should have taken all that junk away and just shot the tree!" My mother was always worried about stuff sitting where it shouldn't be....she'd be just so upset with it all that she'd not even enjoy the photo...seriously....funny isn't it how some of the little things in life never leave our thoughts and memories....

Bob Scotney said...

Trees are a favourite topic of mine as you will see.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Alan, I love this topic too. I was sick last week and had picked my photo, but never got the Sepia post completed. Lucky for me, I was able to use it this week though! Thanks so much for all the work you do for SS. ~ Kathy M.

Little Nell said...

I’ve gone back to my roots this week and paid homage to some legendary trees.

Caminante said...

After weeks of watching Little Nell link her excellent posts to Sepia Saturday, she's persuaded me to follow suit, and since trees are not a feature of Lanzarote, it seemed like a good challenge to start me off!

Unknown said...

I found some Scottish trees :)

dakotaboo said...

Back from sunny Greece into less than sunny West Berkshire. I guess I really should be sharing an Olive Tree this week. Instead something closer to home - the New Forest.

Postcardy said...

I like old postcards with big drive through trees and old cars, so that's what I used.

Rosie said...

I, too, like the theme this week, there is something about the majesty of trees. I enjoyed some time on my patio after supper tonight, sat back and admired the towering trees all around me, so peaceful.......

tony said...

Im a bit short of inspiration this week!

Martin Lower said...

Just an excuse for me to post lots of pictures of trees! And some in colour too.....

I'll stand in the corner and face the wall. Again.

DougVernX said...

My post might be related to trees and "planking."

Bruno Laliberté said...

Tony, you big liar, your pics are wonderful!! but it was indeed a "short" post...
as for me, a themer, as you'll see trees in this short post, from two points of view, including a blind man's point of view, namely, my father...

and i've already scheduled my post for sunday pertaining to stamps, once again featuring a tree.
Bob should be happy!!

Tattered and Lost said...

My post is more like low hanging fruit than a tree.

Jinksy said...

Only Family Tree twiglets in mine...LOL

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

It's what lies behind the tree that led to my post. :)

Ted said...

Ode to an Old Nurseryman

Kristin said...

An actual Georgia live oak I visited last weekend. Also a photo of the Angel Oak a 1,500+ year old live oak in SC. A bonus, me in the ocean.

Anonymous said...

No time to sift and find cool tree photos this week, a lil ot but still some scraggly trees in the photo. said...

Sorry for not posting trees this week. I'll be more back on topic next week. (Typical rookie! haha)

Mike Brubaker said...

A wonderful choice this weekend, Alan. But instead of the tree, I've chosen the theme of the poet Sidney Lanier, who was also a musician.

The photo of the live oak was taken in coastal Georgia near where I used to live in Savannah. AND Lanier tragically died of tuberculosis only a short distance from where I now live in North Carolina. AND I recently acquired a nice photo of a flutist, Lanier's instrument, who would have been an exact contemporary. Amazing!

Caminante said...

Thanks to those who commented on my first post. I was persuaded by Little Nell to give it a go. I'll try to make each contribution relevant to Lanzarote, as well as to the week's topic. Icebergs may be a challenge.

MizzKay said...

A tree that brought back a flood of memories. Thank you.

WyomingDiva said...

Old and new in mine; pic from a recent trip to N. California. Thank you for the prompt.

Anonymous said...

I'm new here.Found you on poets united and so happy I did! What a great and clever meme!