Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sepia Saturday 78 : Saturday 11 June 2011

By the time you read this, I won't be here. No, this is not a message from beyond the grave, it is just that I am pre-posting this in the hope that it will magically appear once I have left for my holidays. If all goes well. by the time this appears I will be in America, and by the time Sepia Saturday 78 comes around (on or around Saturday 11 June 2011) I will be about to enter New York Harbour on a hunking-big cruise ship. So my archive photograph this week features New York - although the "themers" out there might want to hang their coats on a number of hooks including newspapers, office buildings, or even the Eiffel Tower. Whatever you post, post it and link below. Just remember, I will be searching for a cyber-cafe in New York so that I can keep up with all your submissions.
SEPIA SATURDAY is a weekly meme which encourages bloggers to publish and share old images and photographs. All that is required is for contributors to post an old image (it doesn't have to be in sepia) and provide a few words in explanation. If you could provide a link back to the Sepia Saturday Blog and visit as many of the other contributors as you can, it would also be appreciated. There is no weekly theme, as such, but some people like to use the archive image published with the weekly call as a kind of theme. There is no requirement to adopt such an approach : the choice of image is entirely up to you. Once you have published your Sepia Saturday post, add a link to that post to the Linky List published each week and leave a comment to let everyone know you are joining in.


Brett Payne said...

A New York photographer from me, featuring everything from Dorothy (a long way from Kansas) to Ethel Barrymore to Times Square ... and all points between.

tony said...

I'm Here!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hope you are having a wonderful trip! My story this week includes some info about the folks that ran the first newspaper in Southern Oregon and the sixth in the whole state: The Umpqua Weekly Gazette.

Take care,

Kathy M.

Postcardy said...

I have a tall building you can see in New York.

Little Nell said...

A tall building for me too, with several unique claims to fame and a firwork ending!

dakotaboo said...

Hope the holiday is going well Alan. I've posted.

Bob Scotney said...

More spires from me.

Martin said...

I just had to post this one.

Anonymous said...

A visit to New York is high on my todo list. Very high!

DougVernX said...

Part five of my series is up now. Thanks to everyone that has been following this adventure. It really has become popular. My mother loved to share. I guess she is still sharing through her journals.

Howard said...

Another old pub postcard from me - not following any theme this week. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has posted.

Unknown said...

I am back this week and have some French scenes to share this week from archives of the past.

Anonymous said...

I missed a few weeks but I'm back with an older couple in the 1920s or so. No NY theme for me, we've got vintage American Midwest though. :-)

Tattered and Lost said...

This week I'm on theme in honor of Alan's adventure.

Bruno Laliberté said...

i'm a themer of sort, since i've decided to make Alan my theme. just having some fun including pictures, stamps, postcards and videos, making it a long post though. you've been warned!!...

Karen S. said...

I hope you are having the time of your life! Vacations are just so much fun aren't they! Take care!

Unknown said...

I love New York. Enjoy

Anonymous said...

Dont have much to do on NY so just put up a NY family photo which I did research and traced thru census records

Mike Brubaker said...

Thanks Alan for the inspiration to do more research on my NYC photo contribution. I ended up discovering a story I might have overlooked. So I am very on theme this weekend.

Unknown said...

Sadly, I have nothing new to contribute today. However, I did post an old (1909) New York photo last month: http://benicek.blogspot.com/2011/05/usa-1909.html

Kristin said...

My grandfather M.C. Graham back when he was cool. And there is a little tower in there.

jennifer said...

I've created a new meme that posts questions on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Please come check it out: http://wtfweeklymeme.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

I came over from Pat transplanted to MN. This is wonderful! My mother was born in 1907, died 2003. I scanned a lot of black and whites into a book, but I only kept a few (I've moved too much to save everything). Now I wish I had all of them. I'll probably submit those I have. And I've put a link to this blog on my WordPress blog's sidebar. LOVE it!
WordPress blog of Ann Best, Memoir Author