Wednesday 5 May 2010

Sepia Saturday Week 22

We are up to Week 22 of Sepia Saturday and, although by now a number of patterns have emerged, the delight of S-S remains the diversity of approach. Some people post long carefully researched pieces, others short, snappy insights. Some tell of people, others tell of houses or even bridges. Some limit themselves to just one photograph, some use a whole series of photographs to tell a story. A fine example of using a series of photographs to tell the story of a person was the post last week by Sean Bentley in his Eff-Stop Local Blog. Posts of this kind are a delight, it is like paging through an old family album.

Whether you tell it long or short, fat or thin, up or down, tell it on Week 22 of Sepia Saturday which will be on Saturday 8th May 2010. All you have to do is to link your post via the Linky List below (either before or after the event) and the rest - as they say - is history.


Alan Burnett said...

Once again I am looking forward to reading all those fine Sepia Saturday posts. Keep them rolling in.

L. D. said...

Since you get it up and running, it gets me up and thinking and I have one in my head ready to be put on the net. This blog has inspired my older first cousin to get involved sharing old stories with me about greats and great greats that I have never heard.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hello, yes Sean Bentley certainly presented a beautiful rendition of his family last week. Oh to be blessed with so many photgraphs.

Nana Jo said...

Please ignore #5 as I accidently posted last week's entry, and go to #6 instead which is the new one! Alan, if could delete my mistake, I'd be very grateful.

Sean Bentley said...

What a pleasant surprise to find myself featured this week! Thank you for the kind words, Alan and Kat! And thanks for hosting this great site.
I'm very glad my ancestors, recent and not-so-recent, took and saved so many photos. I'm angling to get some more quite old ones from cousins in South Carolina.
My piece this week is on my mom, it being Mother's Day in the States.

Unknown said...

Made it to this week! Wow it's getting harder to find the time to do this research and we will be traveling soon, will see how much I can load onto a thumb drive....can't wait to read everyone's posts and see the photos.

Peg said...

You're right. That is a lovely post with beautiful and very old photos. Thanks for pointing it out.

Meri said...

Sepia Saturday is always the highlight of my blog-reading weekend. The pictures and stories, whether brief and filled with I-don't-knows or intricately detailed are always intriguing, sometimes amusing, sometimes poignant. Thanks so much, Alan, for bringing us all together.

The Silver Fox said...

Just posted an amazingly-short (for me) entry!

neetzy said...

I love it Alan. Sometimes I am quite the aimless blogger. SS gives me a reason to dig around for something meaningful. I will probably never have time to tint anything sepia. I am just happy to find an old photo. I love reading everyone's finds. They are like little bits of treasure!

Kat Mortensen said...

I have posted, although it's been a busy weekend and of course, today's Mother's Day, so it will get even more so. I'm gradually making the rounds to visit everyone, but it may not be accomplished until Monday.
