Two famous people, scarves and bow ties, literary giants, or cameras slung across shoulders: there are the usual mass of potential theme prompts in this weeks Sepia Saturday image. All you need to do is to post a post on or around Saturday 1st June 2019 and add a link to the list below. I am still working on the next set of prompts and I promise I will post them before the sun sets on this coming Sepia Saturday.
Here are the next three Sepia Saturday theme images:-
Here are the next three Sepia Saturday theme images:-
The uneven height of the two men in our theme matched a genre of musical duos that I've been collecting for a number of years.
Greetings, everyone! Nice to be back after my blogging break with a new "smoking" hot mystery: The 1860 separation of my Blakeslee ggg grandparents.
The smoking ads of yesteryear were something else!
Fashion comes and goes, and fame may rise and fall as well... (The name Isherwood rang no bells with me, and although I did vaguely recognize the name W H Auden, I could not have said what he wrote)...
There is my post finished - now before anything else I must put together some new theme images.
A few artifacts and big blowups of sepia photos from Swannanoa Valley History Museum.
A celebrity encounter.
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