Lots of people stood outside a building. Hats, coats, kids, goats: they are all there (well maybe not the goats, I inserted that for poetic balance). Somewhere amongst your old photographs you will have something to match this, so get digging and present your findings in the form of a post, on or around Saturday 25th May 2019. Once you have posted your post, add a link to the list below.
Sepia Saturday is moving inevitably towards Sepia Saturday 500, a landmark to be proud of. At the same time, the number of participants is falling and I need to ask the question about our future. I will produce theme images for the final 28 prompts up to Sepia Saturday 500, and then we can collectively decide whether we want to continue further or not. I will post a final group of themes soon. Until then, here is the theme image for next week.
Woo Hoo! I get to be first this weekend. Or maybe the only one this weekend? This theme was perfect for a set of photos I've wanted to feature, but I never expected that a photo of a large New Zealand church assembly would be the match. But it is, and only if you look real closely.
The many different types of group poses seen here.
Church photos
Mine is a smaller group - but it does include an animal!
Had intended more -- and better --- but time ran out.
Back into my ancestry searches, and I find great times 5 grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War for another man.
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