November comes to an end and all over the world men will be ridding themselves of facial hair as Movember - the annual, month-long event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer and other male cancers - also comes to an end. Our theme image this week comes from the Australian National Maritime Museum collection available via Flickr Commons and features an unknown swimmer with a rather fine moustache. For your theme you can go with swimmers, trophies or rather fine moustaches, or - as always - any interpretation you care to adopt. Just post your post on or around Saturday 30 November 2013 and link your post to the Linky List below.

Here are the details of the next two Sepia Saturday themes for those who like to shop early for Christmas.
206 : Aprons our our theme for this week. Ladies in aprons, men in aprons, airports with aprons.
207 : Photos with strange compositions, passing cyclists, removal vans, tunnels (look carefully there is one there) - the choice is up to you.
Those are for the future. For this week, keep a stiff upper lip, or a hairy upper lip, or a clean shaved upper lip - and post those posts and link those links.