Have you ever noticed how many photographs are taken in doorways? It might have been the desire to search out a convenient frame, but more likely it was the need to go in search of natural light in order to tease those silver salts into life. Whatever the reason, a lot of old photographs feature doorways and this provides our theme for Sepia Saturday 203 (Post your posts on or around Saturday 16 November and link to the list below). As usual, you can choose any of the elements of our theme image to follow - windows, number 11, small fat old ladies - although try not to be too insulting about the latter as that is my grandmother in the photograph!
Just a quick update on Sepia Saturday 200 : the cutting and pasting is at last finished and I am currently writing the introduction, so don't lose heart - the book will emerge in due course. And my usual apologies for all my tardiness and lateness during the course of the work.
Here is our usual look forward at the next two Sepia Saturday calls.
204 : It is 50 years since the assassination of JFK. It was one of those iconic moments in history, just like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. So photographs of momentous moments is one of our themes for this week, along with anything else you might find in the photograph.
205 : This week brings us to the end of November or, as it has become known in much of the world, Movember. Once again it is time to celebrate bearded ladies, moustachioed men, trophies or silly swimming suits.
But put assassinations and moustachinations to one side for the moment. For Sepia Saturday 203 we are asking you to frame yourself - well frame your great uncle Joe - open the door, and enter into the spirit of things.
I'm early again. This post is about a photo from about 1919. I have tried to research the people to give a more interesting story!
There are many different kinds of doorways & I've explored a few.
More doorways, and stories of the people posing in them.
I am early this week. Off for a hospital check-up this afternoon and then we are away for the weekend, so I need to post early. But I have been assured there should be wifi where we are staying so this week, for once, I should be able to visit everyone.
Doors and windows are the background to this sentimental journey of family memories.
Added my thoughts and images. Fun theme.
Went with the theme of grandmother's in the doorway.
Looking backwards from a doorway in Snitterfield, WAR, c1900
Putting up an old blog, since I had a brief short one with a woman on a porch,doorway.
Yes, I found a couple of photos. And I even found time on holiday to write the blog :)
Tony's pinched my line.
Who's there? Great knocking post this week!
I've got a doorway and if you look close you can see out the back door too.
Not many photos of doorways...but there is one of ME in a doorway!
I've got a door, but I heard it slam on what I thought was true.
found a few and will be posting soon
A special twist on the number of above the doorway.
Doors in England - my cue that warmth was nigh!
A short [re]post of sort,
and a movie!!
No kidding!!
A bit short of time this week but I managed a short post (relief all round). I’l be away for the next couple of posts but back again soon. I hope the door stays open.
I'm late this week, and if I'm honest I'm lacking inspiration as I have a cold (not quite bad enough to call it man flu yet though - not that would get any more sympathy at home I suspect) so I'm recycling a post I did a few months ago on the subject of doorways, which I have not previously shared on Sepia Saturday. Enyoy ... sniff, sniff, splutter, splutter, cough, cough.
I'm in! I will try to get around to everyone, but besides the usual health stuff going on, I also have a toothache. :(
I haven't posted in a while and not I see that the option to leave a comment is limited to Google Account and Open ID. I always preferred the other option, but now I can't think what it is called....
First, I apologize for not making the rounds last week. I still intend on going back and reading everything. But on to this week and a couple who leave a lot of questions as they stand in front of their establishment.
No doors, just a small fat old lady and imagining the doors she walked through
Just a tad late for Saturday--- but definitely started before Saturday -- sorry, lousy excuse.
Late again!
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