Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Sepia Saturday 107 : Saturday 7th January 2012

A thousand apologies : no, two thousand and twelve apologies. Here we are, post Christmas break, the icing sugar not having set on my New Years' Resolutions, and I am late in putting the Sepia Saturday call up. And I haven't revised the Sepia Saturday Blog, and I haven't been around to visit all those Sepia Saturdayers who posted over the holiday season. I have few excuses, so I will draw a line in the sand and shave the fur of my angora rabbit. The rabbit in question features in a photograph by the Australian photographer Sam Hood called "Girl With A White Angora Rabbit". It dates back to the 1930s and features in the Flickr collection of the State Library of New South Wales. The year may have changed but the rules (or rather, lack of rules) have not. Post your post on or around Saturday 7th January 2012 and link to the list below. If you want you can identify a theme from the above image and follow it, alternatively you can follow a theme of your own choosing. Shave the excess fur off your photographic memories and help push Sepia Saturday into 2012.


tony said...

Happy New Year Everybody!

Wendy said...

I'll be posting on Friday night. I'd love to know what that rabbit was thinking!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Happy New Year, Alan and Kat! I love that picture, and I even have one that it prompts me to write about (Aunt Myra and her turkeys), but I won't be able to participate this week. I have been MIA on Sepia Saturday for awhile and I miss everybody. I have lots of excuses too, beginning with our dog dying and taking the wind of me and then Christmas and now going to San Antonio to watch our grandson Tyler play in the Army All-American game. Just wanted to let you know that I certainly haven't quit and will be back soon! Take care, everybody.

Kathy M.

Alan Burnett said...

Kathy : We look forward to your speedy return.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Ah, Alan!!
I thought there had been a gas leak at your place and you had fallen asleep...

Nice to see things going back to normal.
A happy new year to everyone and eager to see what you all come up with in 2012!!

Christine H. said...

I have a multitude of excuses, but promise to be on board for # 108.

Haddock said...

A happy new year to you and all those who have commented above.
How I stumbled here is because I am a regular reader of Christine's postcards.

Postcardy said...

My rabbit picture is a little newer and a lot less fluffy.

Kristin said...

I'm no longer updating the linked blog in the sidebar. Could you change it one more time to ? Thank you and I'm looking for an animal photo with children for the 7th.

BragonDorn said...

What a cute little rabbit! :) Also congrats on the 200th follow :)

Anonymous said...

Not on topic, but just glad to be back and posting at home again and not on the run for the holidays, and hopefully have time this week to read everyone elses!

Anonymous said...

if u can delete my #4 entry, it came up blank. oops!

Ladies in Monochrome said...

I love this! For my blog, I see a LOT of women with dogs. Cats are a bit rarer, but I've never seen a woman with a bunny. I'd love to find one though!

Alan Burnett said...

Happy Sepia New Year to you all. I am in nice and early complete with a child and a rabbit.

Alan Burnett said...

Kristin : I have made the change - hopefully it should work.

Bob Scotney said...

Happy New Year everyone.

I may have rabbited on too much.

Little Nell said...

I got twice the inspiration from Alan this week!

Howard said...

Happy New Year!

DougVernX said...

Oh I think I'm in trouble with my post this week. Happy New Year everyone!

Mike Brubaker said...

A new year and a new challenge. This one is tough, Alan, as rabbits don't feature much in my collection. But I know something about rabbits as I once had a small black rabbit who made more fuzz than my cat and dog together. Enough to fill a hat. So how about a magical link: rabbits to top hats?

Anonymous said...

I have a stretch of a tie in to the 1930s. My dad's 80th birthday is tomorrow so I have a series of photos of him!

Say, Alan, would it be possible to be linked on the sidebar also? I missed th original call to be included but I would very much like to be there if possible.

Nancy said...

Happy New Year, everyone. I'll try to visit all your posts on Saturday but may not get to all of them. Early next week if not Saturday.

Tattered and Lost said...

Hello to all. And let the running from site to site begin.

Hidden at the end of my post I'm on theme, the others sort of if the theme is dogs...which it's not.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Done and on theme, sort of...

Wibbo said...

Happy New Year, everyone :o) I had a distinct lack of bunnies, so I've chosen Girl with a Rather Large Dog instead.

Kristin said...

On theme with my mother and her dog Bonzo.

Liz Stratton said...

Happy New Year all! On theme via a very circuitous route. No bunny photos and I'm saving my very cute boy and kitten photo for a perfect fit. ;)

Alan, I too would be honored to be included in the side bar. I will have to learn how you made such an attractive blog roll!

21 Wits said...

Can you believe it, just a week ago today we were all preparing to welcome in the new year! Also, just the week before...Christmas celebrations! Wow.....Happy 2012 Alan I am looking forward to more Sepia trails with everyone again this year!

Unknown said...

Minus any framed bunnies at my place too, but on theme with little boys with a pet. Happy Year new Alan and family and looking forward to many happy weeks of SS.

Chris Overstreet said...

A more civilized time when one didn't wash one's rabbit without a necktie.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Sepia Saturdians :-) My post is pet-based - Dad kept a kleptomaniac... Jo