Monday 13 November 2023

Sepia Saturday 699 : Saturday 18th November 2023

Now we are out walking about and enjoying ourselves, let's cross over. And there is no safer way to do it than to find a policeman to stop the traffic and help you safely to the other side. You can get to the other side of this week's Sepia Saturday challenge by sharing an old photograph - it can be on the theme of walking about or it can be about anything you want). Just do it on or around Saturday 18th November 2023 and add a link to the list below. And take a look at what is coming around the corner, next on Sepia Saturday.


La Nightingail said...

Having the prompt photo up early in the week is so nice. Thanks, Alan! :)

ScotSue said...

Not rushing about this week, but taking a relaxing break from a walk.

Molly's Canopy said...

My Uncle Fred went walking about London on a 3-day pass during WWII.

Barbara Rogers said...

More walking about of family and some really old photos taken with a "hidden camera."

Mike Brubaker said...

My post is not so much walking as standing around on the streets of a small town. Partly musical.

Monica T. said...

Some (unwritten) old postcards from the French alps; from my great-aunt Gerda's collection, probably from years in France during WWI.

ScotSue said...

To Gail and Monica - I am still having problems signing on to your blog comments with Google, but thank you both for your posts. To Gail for your lovely family memories and to Monica for the stunning vintage Alpine postcards that meant so much to Gerda.